
Text Practice Mode

A Little Bit of Positivity

created May 18th 2021, 09:18 by Safer



168 words
498 completed
Help others when you can, stay positive
If you think negative you will focus on negative things so it will seem like more bad is happening than good  
But, if you think positive you will realise how much more positive is actually happening most of the time  
We all have rough times, give those that are having a tough time a hand up or a shoulder to lean on
sometimes asking are you ok and listening to someone is all you need to do
be polite when you can, manners will take you a long way and be thankful for those that you have in your life
practice your typing daily if you want to make progress to a faster speed quickly, focus on accuracy, speed will come naturally when you know where all the keys are and have built some decent muscle memory, it takes time keep at it
Hope everyone has a great day =)  
stay positive and help others =]

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