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The Canterville Ghost Part-2.

created May 16th 2021, 15:31 by



379 words
78 completed
A few days later, while riding her pony, Virginia got her habit torn so in order to get it mend she returned home. She decided to go up by the back staircase so as not to be seen by anyone. As she was running past the Tapestry Chamber, she found the door open. She thought it to be her mother's maid, she entered inside. To her immense surprise she saw it was the ghost. He was sitting by the window, his head was leaning on his hand and was in depression. Virginia filled with pity and determined to try and comfort him. She bid sorry to him for her brothers behavior but also asked him to behave himself. The ghost was surprised and said that to roam around, to rattle his chains and to groan was the reason of his existence. But Virginia said that it cannot be the reason and he had been very wicked as he had killed his wife. To this, the ghost explained that his wife didn't know any work, she couldn't even cook properly. But instead her brothers starved him to death. Virginia offered him sandwich to which he said that she was very nice than the rest of her horrid, rude, dishonest and vulgar family. Virginia got upset and said that it was he who had been all these as he had stolen all her colors in order to make the blood stains on the library floor. She also asked him to emigrate and to improve his mind to America. They talked about the lifestyle of England and America. Then Virginia wanted to go to sleep, the ghost told her that he had not slept for the past three hundred years. She felt sad and asked him the place where he could sleep in rest and peace. The ghost told her the Garden of Death. He also told her about the old prophecy about him. He told her that Virginia need to help him meet his peace of death. Virginia promised the Canterville Ghost to help him. She kissed his hand and started with him to the told place. She heard wicked voices and saw fearful shapes but didn't give an ear to them. She glided with the ghost into a great hollow.

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