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porn addiction withdrawal,
created May 12th 2021, 23:31 by AbdErraouf Kader
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If you feel that you are experiencing porn addiction withdrawal, you’re probably right. Porn, and many other experiences, substances, etc., can profoundly affect how your brain works.
When you begin to recover from porn addiction, you will notice that you will have porn addiction withdrawal symptoms. Much like any other addiction, such as substance use, gambling, sex, etc., these symptoms are more accurately described as dopamine withdrawal symptoms.
To understand your porn addiction withdrawal, you must understand the reward system of the brain and how it perpetuates addiction as well as symptoms of porn addiction withdrawal.
When you begin to recover from porn addiction, you will notice that you will have porn addiction withdrawal symptoms. Much like any other addiction, such as substance use, gambling, sex, etc., these symptoms are more accurately described as dopamine withdrawal symptoms.
To understand your porn addiction withdrawal, you must understand the reward system of the brain and how it perpetuates addiction as well as symptoms of porn addiction withdrawal.