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type test for ssc 34 Blackbook 1
created Jan 19th 2021, 07:09 by kekegenkai
278 words
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Sir, I would like to state that the Budget is only an annual financial statement anticipating the total revenues and the total expenditure of the Government. It can try to solve the existing problems in the country and also carry forward the process of growth that has been achieved so far. A budget has to be implemented in a number of parameters. We have to look at the parameters and then judge the Budget. After looking from all these angles, I would say that the Union Budget is that it carries the mandate given in the Common Minimum Programme.
The Budget has to carry forward all the plans and scheems that have been given in the Plan and it has to serve the goals of not only growth but also inclusive growth. Only growth can relieve India from the clutches of poverty and unemployment. No magic remedies are available except that we have to promote sustained growth in agriculture, sustained growth in industry and sustained growth in infrastructure. Without that it is not possible, and that would be possible only with generous fundings.
Sir, I rise to support the General Budget which has been presented by the hon. Finance Minister. he deserves our appreciation for presenting the growth-oriented Budget. As you know, this is the fifth Budget of the hon. Finance Minister as well as of this Government. In my considered view, this is the finest of all the Budgets which has been presented by this Government. Some hon. Members were finding fault with the Government for not eradicating poverty and not reducing inequalities in this country. These are all old problems and cannot be tackled by Budget.
The Budget has to carry forward all the plans and scheems that have been given in the Plan and it has to serve the goals of not only growth but also inclusive growth. Only growth can relieve India from the clutches of poverty and unemployment. No magic remedies are available except that we have to promote sustained growth in agriculture, sustained growth in industry and sustained growth in infrastructure. Without that it is not possible, and that would be possible only with generous fundings.
Sir, I rise to support the General Budget which has been presented by the hon. Finance Minister. he deserves our appreciation for presenting the growth-oriented Budget. As you know, this is the fifth Budget of the hon. Finance Minister as well as of this Government. In my considered view, this is the finest of all the Budgets which has been presented by this Government. Some hon. Members were finding fault with the Government for not eradicating poverty and not reducing inequalities in this country. These are all old problems and cannot be tackled by Budget.