
Text Practice Mode

Practice the letter P

created Oct 19th 2020, 15:54 by Masonn



184 words
37 completed
Hi I am having trouble typing the letter P. Most of the time I put my pinky finger on the [ key instead of putting my pinky finger on the P key. What if this whole time I was supposed to put my ring finger on the P key. That’s what I have been doing.  I am currently in english class but my teacher is boring and pretty monotone. He is talking about printing a copy of our assignment. I chose to continue with online classes instead of going in school. It is easier for me because I primarily complete my work on my iPad. I think it is possible that my pinky finger is just not used to typing the P key.  Anyways i have to get back to my class. Here is a tongue twister with the letter P. Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut Butter. This is the peanut butter picky people pick. And you should type it again. Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut Butter. This is the peanut butter picky people pick. And here’s some more P practice. PPPPPPPhPPPPPPhPPPooooPPPPPooppppPPpPPL.

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