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योगेश टायपिंग सेंटर छतरपुर (म.प्र.) 9993129162...

created Sep 11th 2020, 01:56 by Yogesh



49 words
2 completed
Strength is essential. Strength is one thing. Awareness of strength is another. It is not enough if we are strong; we should also be aware of our strength. It is not enough if we are rich; we should also be aware of our richness. Our strength and wealth will be useless if we are not aware of their existence in us. then, it makes no difference whether we have them or do not have them. Ramesh is a rich person. He has cash in his pocket. On the way to a hotel, his pocket is picked and his cash is lost. Ramesh has no knowledge of the loss. He goes to the restaurant; sits with confidence and eats like a lord. Praveen is a poor person. He has no money. He is hungry. He stands near a hotel. Somebody related to him goes close to him and thrusts into his pocket a thousand rupee note folded in a piece of paper. Poor Praveen is not aware of the cash in his pocket. He stands on the pavement and begs for alms, though he can afford to eat like a lord sitting in a restaurant. It is the awareness or ignorance that causes the feeling of the richness or poverty. A rich person may be poor for want of awareness of his wealth. And a person without money may behave like a rich man on account of his ignorance of the strength of wealth.  
Awareness of our culture, glory and heritage is the sure source of strength. This awareness of our country's wealth is called national pride. It makes us hold our heads high with confidence and self-esteem.  

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