
Text Practice Mode

I don't feel satisfied about anything

created Sep 10th 2020, 06:07 by BrokeTwT



148 words
42 completed
Learning anything new has always been  my thing. But I don't  feel satisfied after learning something new. I not only want to learn new things but also want to become an expert in something. At least one thing. But it always feels like it's impossible. I don't feel motivated anymore. My mood always changes out of nowhere. Always feels I'm some kind of idiot doing nothing but wasting time trying to learn new stuff that I can never be an expert of. I don't want to tell someone all these things. It feels stupid to think like that.. I don't know if anyone thinks like that. I want to write all these things but it won't end if start to write all of it.Thank you very much for choosing this one . BTW I'm not a native English speaker. Sorry if any of the phrases don't sound natural.

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