
Text Practice Mode

why typing may be important

created Jul 12th 2020, 17:00 by ReUltra



168 words
68 completed
Typing is a skill that needs to be mastered if you want to be a typist or you just want to type, it’s also used to complete your work faster. It is important to learn typing. Typing will be used in most jobs for collecting data or to email the workers to do this or that. Typing might also be used for school like writing an essay, a review or a story. If you keep on developing this skill you might even start touch-typing, This is a skill most typists or secretaries use to type comfortably and faster without even looking at the keyboard. It’s the most important computer skill you need to know. If you work as a Data Entry and Processing, Receptionist, Engineer, Teacher and a Pharmacist this also applies to you and all of you that have this job or something that requires a lot of typing. Typing is important to learn and to develop cause you may need it in the careers you choose.

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