
Text Practice Mode


created Nov 21st 2019, 07:22 by Vikram Thakre



449 words
191 completed
So, he asked his bride to stay with her parents while he set out in search of the earrings. Uttanka was confident that his sincere penance to his guru would help him in his challenging, forthcoming task. When sage Gautama heard that Uttanka has left on a dangerous endeavor, he was concerned. He told his wife, "You should have not asked for the earrings, my dear. Uttanka will face many dangers that may even threaten his life." Gautama's wife regretted her request, but it was too late. Uttanka had already left on his quest, eager for success. King Saudasa was living in a remote forest. He had annoyed Vasistha, and was cursed by the sage to lead the life of a cannibal. Uttanka trudged on until he came to Saudasa's abode. As soon as Saudasa saw Uttanka he attacked him. Uttanka stopped him by saying, "Oh king, wait! I have come on an errand for my guru. It is against Dharma to injure someone who is on such mission. I promise that I will offer myself to you after I have completed my errand." Saudasa inquired what the errand was about. "I have come to beg for your wife's earrings." Saudasa was taken aback. He admired the courage of Uttanka, in approaching him, a cannibal. He said, "Go to my wife and tell her that I would like her to give the earrings to you. This good act may reduce my life of suffering as a cannibal." Uttanka went to the queen with Saudasa's message. The queen immediately parted with her earrings with the hope that her husband would benefit by her good deed. When Uttanka examined the earrings, he could not find anything special with them. Out of curiosity, he asked, "What is special about these earrings?" The queen said, "This is a celestial ornament. The wearer will be free from hunger and thirst and will be protected from all dangers." The queen further warned, "The nagas(serpents) have coveted these earrings for a long time and will steal them at their first opportunity. So, guard them well. Hide them in the folds of your deerskin and never part with them." Uttanka thanked the queen and assured her, "I shall protect them with my life." Then he left and came back to Saudasa as he had promised. He requested the cannibal to spare him until he had handed over the earrings to his guru's wife. Saudasa agreed. Uttanka then added, "You helped me in getting the earrings and in fulfilling my promise to my guru's wife. Your good deed will reduce the tenure of your life as a cannibal. Hence, I have also been of help to you.  

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