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Uploading of marks of Combined Higher Secondary Level (Tier-II) Examination, 2017.
created May 14th 2019, 03:55 by GyankaPitara
89 words
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Staff Selection Commission declared the result of
Combined Higher Secondary Level (Tier-II) Examination,
2017 on 10.05.2019. Now the Commission has decided to
upload the marks of candidates who were qualified to
appear in Tier-II of CHSL Examination, 2017.
Marks/Details of 2 candidates have been withheld due to
various Court cases and in respect of 3 candidates due to
non processing of result on account of their debarment.
Candidates may check their marks on the following
link from 13.05.2019 to 12.06.2019 by using his/her
Registration No./Roll No. and Registered Password
Combined Higher Secondary Level (Tier-II) Examination,
2017 on 10.05.2019. Now the Commission has decided to
upload the marks of candidates who were qualified to
appear in Tier-II of CHSL Examination, 2017.
Marks/Details of 2 candidates have been withheld due to
various Court cases and in respect of 3 candidates due to
non processing of result on account of their debarment.
Candidates may check their marks on the following
link from 13.05.2019 to 12.06.2019 by using his/her
Registration No./Roll No. and Registered Password