Text Practice Mode
Only alternating hands --PART 1-- (qwerty)
created Aug 29th 2018, 12:01 by McSeemG
1556 words
3 completed
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fir fit fiz fix fib fig fid fie guango maja endocytic rusot chair chais chait alvus menzie envigor emeu mayey leucitic with haybox hend godown bogy bogo viand nanduti cixo airify dickey furial cornrow bitheism ekename kaha udish pantheian tnt tng ancienty suant sprit sprig sleuths bhangi alembic syrma ghbor bicorn progne busyworks euros autogiros townsmen blanco viridity fusus wye flamant psychalgia amble maugis shrub henrician sucury maoris wow wos woe woa tyro ufos rifi goric hamel lautu chela jaob coble mauri boxiana sucks maps changos cibory yana bockey albitic encia butyric dudish enamels handmaid peorian corial mayeye hair hait tydie rushen entozoans boviform downtowns leptochroa chapelry andi andy figury eighty eighth bisme toey cockandy emanent dorps zygosis tofus dispel auditual spanworms hr hs coenflame cubi papalty foambow wheyey ment mens mend mene meng leman gormandism tjandi aleyrodid rixy shahs cotland ambiens ambient cush ai ah ak am al ao an ap ay slant cusk slane dusks aisle thaneland leith alambique turnrow ambush pekans guric curpel usurps shams lapsible tucks slangism nantle kemb goal busybody anthribid ambo bitis rytidosis formene rori oxy tiens skair tu alapa whams whame neurotoxicity visitor ficus iq is ir iw iv ia id if burl buro burn buri burh burk burp bury wyandot syzygy durns gyro gyri votyak sixish biform docks qiana kenticism clams clamb clame bogieman rotiform lepanto island hairif paisleys emf furlan enflame cubit otitis buz bur bus but bub bud anticus visible cosign titmal titman bielby papaya pentosid algy r turns maught shend sheng amaut jayant shanghai peltiform qp qu qy qh qm ql tirls shamble fugitivity fogus progospel iridic coxitis prosodial lancha biens rubigos apemantus subicle girnel ciruela gish digor hep hey hel hem hen heo heh hei gurney rithe otitic corns euro d yaud chairmans slangy haje lg fico lapels encurl irish algic algid japan corocleisis votish cubism prick prich roxie pricy oricycle blams blame aneuric toby ruths laotian thaught zizia borid fucus ya ye yd yr yt rigorism bug aneurysmal alvia psyche flake tiro tirl wish bucks lapwork handiwork surhai rodman vicugna neocubism ensigns flays gormand cosigns tuque aye bority ays bosks chandi lehay shaka leprid lepric giantish slait turment ruru cobus augh lemel papane ruche emane chaotic suboxid flamb flame citicorp formwork social kele kelt whens theodoric isidorian leodicid prudy manana prosorus vizor oenanthe rosy dorobo divia divid uang malaya oxman buckeye wisht bozos laighs theoriai rubidic syzygia giantism palsy chaka busk bush gowpen melam smelt duroc duros cleuch andorobo elbuck otic otis vials elench chaksi civy vivific mandi anaitis sycock fogman hangmen ahems nehantic vigoroso cytozoa wiros dirity lensman bothros leucocism aldm algific hsien zizit aprowl languent riboso epeiric epeirid naps nape napa sheuch bob autotoxicosis dogmen mamey tyto virify heiau tornal aotus rockwork bothridia chena cheng jams jama jamb orignal tishri helena irishry manche girn formelt digne sicks fjeld bodyworks burlaps ambit vibix keys fuchsian endotoxic henfish downwith oriels whand fixidity odible pentosuria apay jambo otidiform embogue hangkang widowish suspensory pajamahs iambus doxy tock toch toco dys dye lairmen rutic ticken tickey pandle sycosiform turkana furiant amel chairmen firmament elbowy airish igname zoris cocle haick duel thro chancito halapepe vicus vicua s endozoa skeo rusk rush cheney cutitis divisible socials vorhand forleit also thamakau fishworm bogie rucks chai chan chao chal cham chap chay downsman burley maidie widowmen viridian jay jap jan jam jak jah jai fusht bicorne apepsia gugu sley emblem paiche cornels cosh cosy durians claith foal foam dodman leucotic fugle shangy iwis cutie eisodic e hemen sosh gneu chaja nais naib kahala henbit civ fidley vogue bobo wifock nak nay irpe ogygian furify halala menelaus penthrit hairof shahaptian amalfian shaps shape cur sybotic cue cud cub buckbush pairial foams engle riant langiel alen ridleys rheic ficiform rod roe rox row giantisms flay flam flan flak chrismale audiencia bibi bibl riel riem entitlement sleighs kenai cis gogos oxidic bogue fowl fowk cheir sials tormen citicism cobia mahdian rigorisms bield krubi lauan bleo kendna coque icod leptid visual fps whaur auxotox hcl dispensible peleng sicht divisory cuchan codo lei lek len leo lep ley boxy dozy autositic bufo jaman manaism cos cor cot cow coz cob coe cog udos epa pays payt priam gucks chaori isnt paughty toroth siti burut bugi dib helcosis titi protid tiam akeley oribi visor antisocial clape claps clapt hq hv hw ht hb ha hf hg hd he urns urna pridian nejdi fieldy shame mandorle shama pruriency urotoxy kahau slake prismal robotian jakey leprosis corpsman leucotoxic coaid sutoria bodleian suspensor nautic lanciform penche digitiform antient theoric theoria vigorish namby aleut richfield kauch mantis mantid mantic chandu birks toxosis whf corm corn corp cory whr tidy tormentor pendicle doth chapels proc suckfish laichs spaught rodney kelty tusk endocytosis voguey rhapsodism shamans eneuch hamdmaid pr ps pq pt cormels pa pf pg pd pe bught skald anapanapa rubor mdnt provisos sory sorn sori antifoam sleys yams penchant chama curucucu chams cotman hamal haman mayan xu melch alcid protogod bock flrie whekau auricle city uriel clang clans lene lens lent gurish amenty leigh sicken bodo formal pals palt pala pale tubig foals sprug sprue socle sith situ yalensian melena melene embody dixy townsman provisor xi tiangue t aneurism nana nane nant amapa dismals kai skelvy blencorn elvish kantism pansy lakeland albizia owls girja eleut maldivian angor naughty leprotic gye docity fpsps diambic chalcidiform widowy chalque kayak kayan tuant zurich spanworm enent orient zogo smalti smalto manque gibleh mahant f oxland chrysidid autism clayey clayen clr ghanaian naught idism bisie amvis pc dickty spright soritic aidmen hangment budh boxman eurus downturn haithal vick jg eheu visne citua authenticity sorns vividity maidu kays shale vorpal maycock yameo yamen zyryan wichtje mahsur analepsy ito worldish vivian ghent lapcock uxoris risk jcl jalap birk surname theyd chanco procne glaucodot buriti virosis anthdia curls thak than title wight ogygia orlando lehrman lament sprucify ptosis ruble boric palsify ticktock antifowl lauans krna irian elementish eleme heugh panboeotian ansu ansi menthe chauth furor guemal visory giant clapdish aldus pams cubiti cubito big bid bib biz bit bis corosif malto titmen urnal virific laps lapb udi udo enduros sisi sish rials thworl slangish ivory oturia henry turkeyfish cockaigne woald corncob fishgig oxybutyria bornan birken otocleisis maugh subproblem uroglena cubisms prodigy butoxy kench mahal quaighs rix riv rit rig rid rie ric ria dotish lanais jape cheke cheka provoquant panto panty theor workgirl eu lench rifian gorman prosody sheitlen keld theowmen hah haj hak hal han hao hau slent corps queue haisla prurigos eneid anguria cogie cogit prutoth yaya gyrus turkeybush papey mendigo panchama nausity bozo psocid work guama fieldman yclept snake urman tucutucu cmd dogy flauto yblent embowment chaya aiel aneurysm dug tivy icosian antisi withe firmans yamens emblema emblems cocos cocoa aud aug auf aus mbori meithei susian sowle rub bushels yakala fuck fuci cyans yanan autodials sidhe fidleys auslaut chrysotis idleman gurle u psychal byrls kamala palaka haitians lvov kane flair dixie dixit protoxid itys jaudie shandy durham spandle fuel ghaut sht entozoal entozoan shaivism sitotoxism fowls haitian apama vivid islandish kemal pajama nejd glen chaos eudoxian g suzy anticivism kaiaks vox hays hayz ixiama haye mauritian hdkf cirl tururi fogmen snape pairment usuals anti mahzor cocus clan clam clay cpd cps cpt lenape oxytocic oxytocia pans pant pang pane pand procity paneity paucity aurify bhd tpd tps foeish aurigid orkey nancy borith laith protocneme bodle ix it ic ib ie akela leptobos apritif wham dhaks fivish euryale sheugh mantisia ovibos amang amant mentiform guayroto rodham blanche divisor torney futuric rha rhb rhe rhd ixodian withturn pantothen shruti tick curua gu gp go gn gm gl auto auth halalah fuels thanah thanan thrushel bobotie owns lendu pantheic riancy halch hayfork bygo anend aptiana ritus coroa manticism anansi shrog clays lapsus kemancha usury entheos vivify antidotism rigidify codify coal coak emend mahala auditoria eland guana guans sprucy eight enfirm dyaus pridy cytotoxic vlei neocytosis dodo bisks vivos busman bori gighe rubigo burps mantuan tiento shairn civicisms bkcy og of oe od oc ob oz ox ow ot os or coxy yepeleic endocytotic kaiwi vial chairman socks fosie gospel shamal duan dual haurient shang shant hanap prudity vicia auditory apayao soc sob soe sod sot sow sov malaysians sigh ivy speuchan nake flanche jeu jen peleus psi odor shalt prix pelvic dicyan peltish enform birne tutmen shaktis bhaktis protozoa haiduck elenchtic kentish roxy anay endocycle yamel fisheye wo wy curns clamant obl obj obi visitment albus mahdism guenepe haori eir yamanai throb throe throw bigotish anbury cubic kantians pricks tut chant chane cormel peneid smeuth wicken orig glene glens glent lwp lwo lwl emeus hayfield clake laicisms yaksha mt mv altify eyey eyen chauri torotoro wurmal thameng prism bifidity aurigo bkg bkt bks orichalch otidia sye syd syr ufo bieldy tubiform lapsi sidia zoque bowyang menthane gurus soapbush xoana rheme rhema forhale viti orichalc wheys bywork flaps rheo uro uri uru mala nama name virial shenshai antigod pty ptp theodicy v goan tythe risks bick nairobi guaycuruan autotoxicity worldy angle antibug nayaur dos digit enanthema corozos chalahs skene bubos dogma suci such suck hayrick malambo thairm wut zobo embush albian tigua algor wisha ducks makale wurley digitus enchant ichs ckw h widish odorosity proficiency paut paua malduck doek bi neuroticism worm worn naigue keleh fleme dusken pandit palch antisudorific rubify buck diamb elaidic tusks dyspepsy neuritic bitmap