
Text Practice Mode

try this test to practice your typing skills but this is not a paragraph or a story

created Sep 4th 2014, 17:01 by DanMarkOco



176 words
1030 completed
try this test to practice your typing skills but this is not a paragraph or a story this is only a text to improve your typing skills don't worry i will not provide dot or capital letters you can see by yourself that this paragraph or this text don't have a capital or single capital letters i remember this is not a paragraph this is only a typing test or typing text i know to my self that my english is not yet or not perfect but i am trying to do my best to help you practicing your typing skills but i want to make it a little difficult for you so you can practice it more and more as you can see you didn't see anything hard words but now i am trying to add hard words like Philippines America and South Korea and also cockroach i want you to try this forever and ever after you are done taking this test you may now sing let it go from frozen good bye fellas!

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