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Republic day
created Feb 5th 2018, 14:26 by RahulKumar3712
306 words
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Republic day is one of the national festival which is celebrated every year in our country . This day is important from the point of view of the fact that on the 26th of January, 1929 on the bank of the ravi river the Indian National congress passed a resolution of complete in dependence for the country . This it covers a milestone towards our struggle for freedom. Again 26th of January is important from the point of view of the fact that on this day in1950, the Indian Constitution was enforced in the country .India on this day became a Democratic a Republic. It became a Democratic country in the real sene having a Democratic Constitution. There are tow important national festival in the county- the Independence day and the republic Day.Both the day are celebrated all over the country with great pomp and show. On the 26th of January every year, we find celebration on a much bigger scale than he the independence Day celebrations. In Delhi and all capitals of the States, the celebrations are held on much bigger scale. In other cities, towns, villages, schools, colleges and other place these celebrations are held on a modest scale. In Delhi, the capital of India, the celebrations are held on a very grand scene. millions of people visit Delhi to see the celebration are held on a very grand scale. millions of people visit Delhi to see the celebrations with their eyes. The line up on either side of the road and watch the celebration. The fist attaractions of function lies in the celebrations at india Gate, The resident of Indai takes a salute at India gatte, where many d people up. Then the troops of the three forces; various arms and ammunitions; colour ful and cultural pegeants of different States are shown.