Text Practice Mode
'Tis the Season
created Dec 21st 2017, 15:17 by Digitally Dexterous
140 words
32 completed
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Does this sound like Christmas? You've hobbled yourself with debt by buying expensive presents you couldn't afford. Relaxed the diet because, hey, it's Christmas! You're getting ready to be able to drink at dawn without reproach, scoff chocolates before dinner, launch verbal attacks on close relatives - and possibly physical; and eat so much food that by mid-afternoon you're unable to keep your eyelids from closing. You've practiced your fake smile which you use when opening those presents which clearly show the person doesn't know what the hell you like. And to top it all off you'll probably watch Home Alone for the fiftieth time whilst periodically looking with disgust upon close family members who you wish would just piss off home.