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Java Codes.
created Sep 10th 2014, 18:22 by Nehemiah Thomas
342 words
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// Mike Scott
// 2d array manipulation examples
import java.awt.Color;
public class FilterExample
*pre: image != null, image.length > 1, image[0].length > 1
* image is a rectangular matrix, neighberhoodSize > 0
*post: return a smoothed version of image
public Color[][] smooth(Color[][] image, int neighberhoodSize)
{ //check precondition
assert image != null && image.length > 1 && image[0].length > 1
&& ( neighberhoodSize > ) && rectangularMatrix( image )
: "Violation of precondition: smooth";
Color[][] result = new Color[image.length][image[0].length];
for(int row = 0; row < image.length; row++)
{ for(int col = 0; col < image[0].length; col++)
{ result[row][col] = aveOfNeighbors(image, row, col, neighberhoodSize);
return result;
// helper method that determines the average color of a neighberhood
// around a particular cell.
private Color aveOfNeighbors(Color[][] image, int row, int col, int neighberhoodSize)
{ int numNeighbors = 0;
int red = 0;
int green = 0;
int blue = 0;
for(int r = row - neighberhoodSize; r <= row + neighberhoodSize; r++)
{ for(int c = col - neighberhoodSize; c <= col + neighberhoodSize; c++)
{ if( inBounds( image, r, c ) )
{ numNeighbors++;
red += image[r][c].getRed();
green += image[r][c].getGreen();
blue += image[r][c].getBlue();
assert numNeighbors > 0;
return new Color( red / numNeighbors, green / numNeighbors, blue / numNeighbors );
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ScannerAndKeyboard
public static void main(String[] args)
{ Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print( "Enter your name: " );
String name = s.nextLine();
System.out.println( "Hello " + name + "!" );
} /**
* A class to provide a simple list of integers.
* List resizes automatically. Used to illustrate
* various design and implementation details of
* a class in Java.
* Version 1 only contains the instance variables and
* the constructors
* @author scottm
public class IntListVer1 {
// class constant for default size
private static final int DEFAULT_CAP = 10;
//instance variables
private int[] iValues;
private int iSize;
* Default constructor. Creates an empty list.
public IntListVer1(){
//redirect to single int constructor
//other statments could go here.
* Constructor to allow user of class to specify
* initial capacity in case they intend to add a lot
* of elements to new list. Creates an empty list.
* @param initialCap > 0
public IntListVer1(int initialCap) {
assert initialCap > : "Violation of precondition. IntListVer1(int initialCap):"
+ "initialCap must be greater than 0. Value of initialCap: " + initialCap;
iValues = new int[initialCap];
iSize = 0;
// 2d array manipulation examples
import java.awt.Color;
public class FilterExample
*pre: image != null, image.length > 1, image[0].length > 1
* image is a rectangular matrix, neighberhoodSize > 0
*post: return a smoothed version of image
public Color[][] smooth(Color[][] image, int neighberhoodSize)
{ //check precondition
assert image != null && image.length > 1 && image[0].length > 1
&& ( neighberhoodSize > ) && rectangularMatrix( image )
: "Violation of precondition: smooth";
Color[][] result = new Color[image.length][image[0].length];
for(int row = 0; row < image.length; row++)
{ for(int col = 0; col < image[0].length; col++)
{ result[row][col] = aveOfNeighbors(image, row, col, neighberhoodSize);
return result;
// helper method that determines the average color of a neighberhood
// around a particular cell.
private Color aveOfNeighbors(Color[][] image, int row, int col, int neighberhoodSize)
{ int numNeighbors = 0;
int red = 0;
int green = 0;
int blue = 0;
for(int r = row - neighberhoodSize; r <= row + neighberhoodSize; r++)
{ for(int c = col - neighberhoodSize; c <= col + neighberhoodSize; c++)
{ if( inBounds( image, r, c ) )
{ numNeighbors++;
red += image[r][c].getRed();
green += image[r][c].getGreen();
blue += image[r][c].getBlue();
assert numNeighbors > 0;
return new Color( red / numNeighbors, green / numNeighbors, blue / numNeighbors );
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ScannerAndKeyboard
public static void main(String[] args)
{ Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print( "Enter your name: " );
String name = s.nextLine();
System.out.println( "Hello " + name + "!" );
} /**
* A class to provide a simple list of integers.
* List resizes automatically. Used to illustrate
* various design and implementation details of
* a class in Java.
* Version 1 only contains the instance variables and
* the constructors
* @author scottm
public class IntListVer1 {
// class constant for default size
private static final int DEFAULT_CAP = 10;
//instance variables
private int[] iValues;
private int iSize;
* Default constructor. Creates an empty list.
public IntListVer1(){
//redirect to single int constructor
//other statments could go here.
* Constructor to allow user of class to specify
* initial capacity in case they intend to add a lot
* of elements to new list. Creates an empty list.
* @param initialCap > 0
public IntListVer1(int initialCap) {
assert initialCap > : "Violation of precondition. IntListVer1(int initialCap):"
+ "initialCap must be greater than 0. Value of initialCap: " + initialCap;
iValues = new int[initialCap];
iSize = 0;