
User: ahmedshakhawat

Hi! My name is Ahmed Shakhawat, I am 24 years old. I am from Bangladesh. I work as a representative of a private company in Qatar. I am trying to improve myself and achieve first place in Bangladesh. Every time I am a victim of hackers. Especially for Indonesian people. The way they are in hacking, they have the whole server in their possession. Every time I could not win in Bengali competition because of hackers. I am sorry about this.
User details
User ID 4130910
last login 7 hours, 53 minutes ago
member since 1 week, 1 day ago
Keyboard Layout Qwerty-based
Keyboard Logistech
Words typed 551
Tests taken 4
Competitions taken 1 (1)
amomensarkergd1 day, 16 hours ago
LanguageParticipantsTests taken
  Visit Typing Competition921



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