
User: lokatmean

"Let's be honest. There's nothing great about the real world, is there? It's just dull and annoying as hell. No one accepts that's the way things are... They're just stuck with it because they can't deny it, either. Those who actually succeed in life... They just happen to be born with the magic ticket called "talent." If you don't have it, you can either accept or deny that fact until you die. That's your only choice. Once you realize that, all you have left in life is despair. The ultimate game over. Wouldn't it be better if that kind of reality was wiped away?"
User details
User ID 3967035
last login 3 days, 8 hours ago
member since 2 weeks, 2 days ago
Keyboard Layout Qwerty-based
Words typed 1,877
Tests taken 14
Competitions taken 0 (0)
AhmetUner1 week, 4 days ago
BrotherMook882 weeks, 1 day ago
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