

Life is beautiful :D!! . and you're rare because the probability of you looking at my profile rather than thousands of other users is 0.00000069% . Thank you for coming here!! it makes me happy :D . shh don't tell anyone: https://www.instagram.com/_y._.4sir_/ discord: oreo_the_oreo#0
User details
User ID 3150697
last login 5 hours, 30 minutes ago
member since on May, 29th, 2022
Keyboard Layout Qwerty-based
Keyboard hp laptop 15da1xxx
Words typed 435,329
Tests taken 2,897
Competitions taken 835 (249)
Waazaby6 hours, 38 minutes ago
Indiaisgrowingguys6 hours, 54 minutes ago
sisti9 hours, 17 minutes ago
zahiraydin2 days, 2 hours ago
nikitakuvsh2 days, 3 hours ago
IAMNoob1232 days, 3 hours ago
Mohamed Chebbi2 days, 3 hours ago
riser2 days, 4 hours ago
ACHIVEYOURGOAL3 days, 6 hours ago
natn733 days, 13 hours ago



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