
User: svary

My name is svary. I am 13 years old. And i start typing in January 21, 2021. And I start typing at the age of 13 (which is my present age.) I am proud of myself because I can type this fast in 3 months. I use the QWERTY layout and I have the average of 97.1% accuracy. I call myself さヴあるイ because it means "savvy" Well... I can't find the Japanese letter of svary so I just typed savvy instead. So, yeah... this message was written in Wednesday, April 14, 2021 2:27pm. Discord: さヴあるイ#5001 TypeRacer: svary 10FastFingers: brain. WPM average: 102
User details
User ID 2562618
last login 2 days, 11 hours ago
member since on April, 13th, 2021
Keyboard Layout Qwerty-based
Keyboard I am using an HP laptop keyboard and a RAKK Illuminated Gaming Keyboard V2 BVR.
Words typed 38,043
Tests taken 283
Competitions taken 60 (1)



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