Goal: 100+ wpm(peak),
40+ [30-Mar],
50+ [1-Apr],
60+ [9-Apr],
70+ [18-Apr],
80+ [Jul?],
90+ [Oct?],
100+ [Dec?],
Limit test (zen mode, monkeytype): home row rolling: 1571 cpm (314 wpm), random typing: 1372 cpm (275 wpm)
Current problems: pace drop after making a mistake
Proven Success Factors:
-Good keyboard position
-Good posture
-Practice with an objective of improving skills, techniques, capabilities, or muscle memory (don't practice mindlessly, u will get stuck at low-mid wpm)
-Touch typing is a must-have skill (ur eyes need to read ahead)
-Read ahead (don't stare at the current word, ur reaction time when u pause to read the next word or letter is normally 0.2 sec. that's 10 sec wasted every 50 words)
-Improve Muscle memory (practice lots especially wrong/struggle words)
-It does not count if accuracy is below 96% (no actual progress if the wrong word stay wrong)
-Typing by feeling the letters at ur fingers (u don't need to process meaning or pronounce the word in ur head, just type on sight)
-Word by word typing instead of letter by letter (bursting type)
-Notice if ur pace drops. Keep it high (stay at max raw wpm, keep rolling like u have a few seconds/words left, ur body and brain will get used to new speed over time then u can push it further, like other sports/physical activities)
-Use shortcut Ctrl+Backspace
-Tried? Angry? Frustrated? Find ur way to handle them, they slow ur brain and ruin wpm.
-Alternate practice between speed and accuracy (when stuck with speed, change goal to 100% accuracy, all characters typed correctly at a lower speed, and change to speed bursting type when 100% accuracy is achieved and u feel like all word can be bursting correctly at max speed)
--The goal for speed is practicing bursting type, increasing peak wpm, while accuracy is to see which words u aren't used to yet and will mess up when bursting at higher speed (e.g. struggle or type all correct characters but in the wrong order)
(1-Apr) correct posture and keyboard position +5-10 wpm,
(9-Apr) not pronouncing letters inside my head but feel them at fingers instead +5 wpm,
(9-Apr) typing when tried -10-20 wpm.
(12-Apr) look at the next word right before finishing the current word +5 wpm (doesn't help that much with current speed and with long words).
(14-Apr) made a lot of swapping mistakes, 60sec test wpm stays around 65 on both 10FF&monkeytype websites. Max raw wpm is about 90 for first 10-15 sec (monkeytype.com) but drop to 70-80 after that, 10words test (monkeytype.com) max at 95 wpm 100%acc. Easier to roll when there're few words, I guess.
(23-Apr) word by word typing instead of letter by letter, somehow reached 75 wpm, feel like a flow; finger rolling fast and consistence without delay including the spacebar, a bit not focus.
(24-Apr) try English 10k on monkeytype speed drop to 50-60 wpm lots of unfamiliar vocab, changing back and speed improve to 65-75 wpm
(26-Apr) cannot reach 75 wpm or even that flow feeling anymore, made swapping mistake a lot.
(12-May) somehow reached 79 wpm, how? flow? trance? don't know, can't repeat. But raw speed graphs in monkeytype.com show lots of intermittent speed drop and swing between 70-90wpm in the first 30s and 60-80wpm in last 30s suggests struggle w/ some words, exhausting, lax, dropping concentration, cannot keep the pace at top speed.
(15-May) average speed stays around 65-75 wpm, peak speed not going beyond 80 wpm in 60s mode, and raw speed swings between 60-90 wpm, need to change the plan. Let's practice muscle memory and base speed by scoring >60wpm in every level of 1000 top words (currently 50-60 wpm). then try >80 wpm in the top 100 level (currently 70-75wpm).
(18-May) noticed many words that struggle with (make lots of mistakes or cant type fast), practiced each word repeatedly with custom mode on monkeytype.com until reach >70 wpm. Most level in top 1000 score >60 wpm now. top 1-50 reached 80 wpm.
(19-May) All levels in the top 1000 score >60wpm. next is >80wpm on top 1-100. Play left hand only and right hand only in text practice both get 40-45 wpm. feel pain in some finger joints, notice that I type harder than in the past with some fingers.
(21-May) reached 80wpm on top 11-60. come up with a theory while typing, even without mistype, max wpm depends on max pace, which at this point relies on muscle memory for a group of characters and pipelining of next word and space.
(22-May) again notice that when making an error, not only wpm drop because of correction but also the slower pace after correction e.g. 80-90 raw wpm from the beginning, making a mistake raw wpm drop to 60, after that wpm stay around 70, need to practice recovery and keep up the pace. Also, scored 80 wpm on top 21-70. took about 10 tries with 73-79 wpm and 94-97% accuracy (0-2 words wrong with about 5 corrections). mistakes always happen even with those that already 'fluent' in other rounds.
(25-May) definitely reach 80 wpm in the earlier part but always made 2-4 mistakes and many corrections during the test which reduce wpm to 60-70. notice that after making a mistake, pace is drop because the body revert back to slow typing behavior e.g. stop reading ahead, read and type letter by letter, mind stop flowing and out of focus (hard to explain but there's a moment when typing word by word that focus in a way that things just flow), making more mistake. Need to practice word by word muscle memory to increase max pace and practice fast typing behavior for keeping up the pace.
But even all that max pace is still limit at around 85-95 wpm (max raw speed). Should I find a way to breakthrough this first? Is it just muscle memory?
(27-Jun) back to practice after a while, reach 80 on Top 41-90, 70 on Top 101-200. Change the forecast as the practice plan change to Top1000 70+ wpm and Top 1-100 80+wpm.
(14-May) reach 65+ All practice mode
User details |
User ID |
2543472 |
last login |
on November, 25th, 2023 |
member since |
on March, 30th, 2021 |
Keyboard Layout |
Qwerty-based |
Keyboard |
laptop's keyboard (lenovo x240) |
Words typed |
26,368 |
Tests taken |
451 |
Competitions taken |
1 (0) |