
User: Teilzeitdenker

Although German is my mother tongue, I really love to learn and read/write languages, preferably those with a complex pictographic system (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) or at least a non-Latin character set (Russian, Arabic). I think it's really cool that I can practice writing in all these languages on just one site (although it's really a pity that there is no advanced typing test for Arabic and no "Top 1000" category for Chinese and Arabic) The typing competitions I win are mainly in Arabic and Chinese, at least when Microsoft Pinyin doesn't crash and chooses the right characters. Far too many Germans around with really good skills and the Russians also seem quite invincible for someone who learned typing cyrillic just a couple of years ago, but I'm getting better, just wait for it...
User details
User ID 2254229
last login 7 hours, 51 minutes ago
member since on September, 29th, 2020
Keyboard Layout Qwerty-based
Keyboard Normal Laptop keyboard, no fancy stuff
Words typed 2,046,329
Tests taken 14,373
Competitions taken 1,199 (145)



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