
User: classical physics R&S

I want to become a transcriptionist.I want to inrcrease my typing speed up to 100wpm! first I use QWERTY layout and increase my speed up to 50wpm but when I knew that DVORAK layout is best for coders. So I switch to dvorak layout with in Just 2 days I leanred Dvorak layout but increasing speed in this takes time..... but I not able to use both layout simultaneously . I destroyed my muscle memory of qwerty based. Now I am a dvorak typist.
User details
User ID 2144140
last login on May, 10th, 2022
member since on July, 10th, 2020
Keyboard Layout Dvorak
Keyboard prodot dvorak
Words typed 16,093
Tests taken 315
Competitions taken 6 (0)



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