
User: ElvisBisanovic

Hello, I'm Elvis. I'm from Austria. My average typing speed is about 120 - 130 WPM. My highest that I got was 130 WPM on December 10th, 2024. My goals: 140 wpm 100% accuracy Be number one on most typed (24 hours and all time)
User details
User ID 1643521
last login 2 months, 1 week, 4 days ago
member since on July, 2nd, 2018
Keyboard Layout Qwerty-based
Keyboard Magic Eagle Keyboard
Words typed 80,765
Tests taken 860
Competitions taken 67 (0)



Lowest WPM:

Average WPM:

Highest WPM:

Lowest WPM:

Average WPM:

Highest WPM: