
User: Alnel Vincent Alico

Hey there.. "Actions speak louder than words," right? ..but I beg to differ.. it may be true in many occasions but not always.. Sometimes, words express more clearly than actions themselves.. ..and because of this, it often helps that when you "say things aloud" first before you act upon them.. if that makes any sense. "say things aloud" <-- can be replaced with "talk things in your head" or "write things down"
User details
User ID 116793
last login 6 months, 2 weeks ago
member since on June, 2nd, 2012
Keyboard Layout Qwerty-based
Keyboard Genius KB-110 Value Desktop Keyboard (Qwerty), the cheap and most common keyboard by Genius!
Words typed 37,011
Tests taken 417
Competitions taken 38 (1)



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