- In the midst of pain and struggle, I’m reminded that God is holy and unchanging.
- Like every human being, am flawed and in need of grace.
- The only true hope I’ve found is through repentance and faith in Jesus, who offers forgiveness and healing.
- Even when life feels overwhelming, there is a promise of hope beyond death—a life where suffering no longer exists.
- Jesus was the first to rise from the dead, defeating death forever. Through Him, I can hold onto the promise of eternal life, even when the weight of this life feels unbearable.
- The Bible, though written by 40 different people from various times and places, speaks with one voice—a voice that brings clarity, truth, and comfort in my darkest moments.
- History confirms what the Bible says, including the fulfillment of so many prophecies. This gives me a reason to trust that its promises for my future are real.
- The Bible shows me the life of Jesus—His miracles, His humility, and His love. It reassures that there is hope, that light can overcome the darkness I’m facing.
- When we surrender ourselves to Jesus, He brings us a peace that the world cannot give and that goes beyond my circumstances and a life that feels full, even in brokenness.
- As John 10:10 says, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
- C.S. Lewis’s words resonate with me deeply: "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."
- Even when I don’t have all the answers, through Jesus, I see life in a whole new way.
User details |
User ID |
1116407 |
last login |
5 hours, 50 minutes ago |
member since |
on April, 28th, 2016 |
Keyboard Layout |
Qwerty-based |
Keyboard |
Laptop Keyboard |
Words typed |
399,555 |
Tests taken |
1,418 |
Competitions taken |
3,082 (0) |