
Croatian Translation

Please read the "About the translation-system" and "Step by step"-section on the Translation Mainpage first

Copy the whole file!

Copy the whole text-section, for example "main.po", into your email program (for example: GMail), even if it already has translated parts and even if you only want to translate a couple of lines. After you translated the text or parts of it, send it to [email protected] - please make sure that if you send me multiple translations, that each one has its own file (not all in one).

File "faq.po"

msgid "FAQ - frequently asked questions"msgstr "ČPP – često postavljana pitanja" 
msgid "If you have a question which is not mentioned here, please contact via email:"msgstr "Ako imaš pitanje koje se ovdje ne nalazi, slobodno nas kontaktiraj putem e-maila:" 
msgid "WPM - words per minute"msgstr "WPM – riječi u minuti" 
msgid "WPM-calculation is based on the following calculation: 5 keystrokes equal 1 WPM, if you don't believe me, check Wikipedia about <a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Words_per_minute\">Words per minute</a> :)"msgstr "WPM-izračun se temelji na sljedećem izračunu: 5 znakova je jednako 1 WPM, ako mi ne vjeruješ provjeri Wikipediu o <a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Words_per_minute\">Words per minute</a> :)" 
msgid "What is a keystroke?"msgstr "Što je znak?" 
msgid "Every key you hit on the keyboard to type a letter is one keystroke. The calculation also considers if you have to type uppercase letters or language specific letters who need 2 keystrokes to be typed (for example \"A\"). For example \"quick\" needs 5 keystrokes whereas \"America\" needs 8 keystrokes."msgstr "Svaka tipka koju pritisneš na tipkovnici kako bi napisao slovo je jedan znak. Izračun uzima u obzir i jesi li trebao pisati velikim slovima ili specifičnosti jezika u kojemu se za jedno slovo trebaju pritisnuti dvije tipke (na primjer \"A\"). Na primjer \"lopta \" ima 5 znakova, a \"Amerika\" ima 8 znakova." 
msgid "Why is my score not saved (sometimes)?"msgstr "Zašto se moj rezultat nije spremio (ponekad)?" 
msgid "If you have a slow computer or doing a lot of things simultaneously on your computer, the 60-second timer might be slowed down. This might result in a situation were you instead of having 60 seconds, you actually have 70 seconds to type. The server detects this as a cheat attempt (even though it might just be a slow computer or something related to this) and doesn't save the score in this case. You can fix this by closing all of your running programs and every tab in your browser."msgstr "Ako imaš sporo računalo ili radiš puno stvari u isto vrijeme na računalu, nakon 60 sekundi će se štoperica možda usporiti. To može rezultirati situacijom u kojoj umjesto 60 sekundi zapravo imaš 70 sekundi za tipkanje. Server to detektira kao pokušaj varanja (iako se može samo raditi o sporom računalu ili nečine vezanim uz to) i u tom slučaju neće spremiti rezultat. Ovo možeš popraviti tako da zatvoriš sve programe i tabulatore u pregledniku." 
msgid "Translation - How can I help?"msgstr "Prijevod – Kako mogu pomoći?" 
msgid "If you would like to help translate 10FastFingers into your language, please take a look at the translation page: For translations please take a look at the <a hreF=\"/translations\">translation page</a>"msgstr "Ako želiš pomoći prevesti 10FastFingers na svoj jezik, molimo pogledaj stranicu za prijevod: Za prijevod molimo pogledaj na <a hreF=\"/translations\">stranica za prijevod</a>" 
msgid "Where is my achievement?"msgstr "Gdje su moja postignuća?" 
msgid "After you fullfilled the requirements for the achievement, please give it up to 5 minutes for the achievement to be unlocked.<br /> If it still doesn't show up, please make sure javascript is activated on your profile page and reload the page."msgstr "Nakon što zadovoljiš uvjet za postignuće, molimo pričekaj do 5 minuta kako bi se postignuće otključalo.<br /> Ako se i dalje ne pokaže, molimo osiguraj se da je javascript aktivirana na tvom profilu i osvježi stranicu." 
msgid "How do you know which language specific characters need more than 1 keystroke?"msgstr "Kako znaš u kojem jeziku određena slova trebaju više od 1 udarca?" 
msgid "I don't, thats why I need your help. I currently check for these characters in their specific language and count them as 2 keystrokes:"msgstr "Ne znam, zato trebam tvoju pomoć. Trenutno smatram ove znakove u specifičnim jezicima kao posebne i računam ih kao 2 znaka:" 
msgid "All languages:"msgstr "Svi jezici:" 
msgid "all uppercase letters (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ)"msgstr "sva velika slova (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ)" 
msgid "If your language is missing specific \"2-keystroke\"-characters, please let me know: <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a>"msgstr "Ako u tvom jeziku nedostaje poseban \"2-udarca \"-znak, molim javi mi da znam na: <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a>" 
msgid "What is the average wpm of the population"msgstr "Koji je prosječan wpm u svijetu" 
msgid "The average WPM on 10fastfingers is <strong>42 WPM</strong>. This number is extracted from over 14 million tests, spread out over 41 languages."msgstr "Prosječan WPM na 10fastfingers je <strong>42 WPM</strong>. Ovaj broj je izračunat iz više od 14 miliona tekstova, na 41 jeziku." 
msgid "All time Highscore"msgstr "Najbolji rezultat svih vremena" 
msgid "You may ask: \"Why is there no highscore older than 1 day?\" There are a few cheaters who use the typing test to satisfy some weird sense of accomplishment by cheating. Even though I try to make it harder for cheaters, its not impossible (and probably not really difficult if you know a little bit about scripts, etc.). If there were an all time highscore, it would just be populated by those individuals and thats why I decided against such a list, sorry!"msgstr "Mogao bi pitati: \"Zašto nema najboljeg rezultata starijeg od 1 dana?\" Postoji nekoliko prevaranata koji koriste test za tipkanje kako bi zadovoljili svoju čudnu potrebu za postignućem varanjem. Iako im to pokušavam otežati, nije moguće (i vjerojatno nije jako teško ako znaš nešto o skriptama itd.). Kada bi bio rezultat svih vremena to bi bilo popunjeno tim individualcima i zato sam se odlučio protiv takvog poretka, žao mi je!" 
msgid "Why does the ENTER key not work anymore?"msgstr "ČPP – često postavljana pitanja" 
msgid "In the previous version it was possible to use the ENTER key to insert words (instead of the SPACE bar). For your regular typing experiences the SPACE bar is much more important than the ENTER key. Allowing to use the ENTER key might train the \"wrong\" typing behaviour, therefore I removed this option, it will help you in the longrun! (Remember to use your thumb(s) for the SPACE bar.)"msgstr "U prethodnoj verziji je bilo moguće koristiti ENTER za pisanje sljdeće riječi (umjesto razmaka). Za pravilno tipkanje je razmak važniji od ENTERA. Omogućavanje korištenja ENTERA moglo bi istrenirati pogrešno daktilografsko ponašanje i zato sam uklonio ovu opciju. Pomoći će ti dugoročno! (Sjeti se koristiti palce za razmak.)" 
msgid "2 keystrokes"msgstr "2 znaka" 
msgid "3 keystrokes"msgstr "3 znaka" 
msgid "4 keystrokes"msgstr "4 znaka" 
msgid "5 keystrokes"msgstr "5 znakova" 
msgid "My iPad auto-capitalizes the first character of every word"msgstr "Moj iPad automatski stavlja veliko slovo na početno slovo svake riječi" 
msgid "You can deactivate this behaviour, please follow this instruction: <a href=\"https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7445351?start=0\">How to Make an iPad Stop Typing Initial Caps</a>"msgstr "Za deaktivaciju, molim prati upute: <a href=\"https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7445351?start=0\">How to Make an iPad Stop Typing Initial Caps</a>" 
msgid "How is the accuracy calculated?"msgstr "Kako se računa točnost?" 
msgid "For the calculation of accuracy (used in the text practice mode) the amount of mistakes made and the number of corrections used is taken into consideration."msgstr "Za izračun točnosti (koristi se u vježbi teksta) u obzir se uzima broj napravljenih grešaka i broj ispravaka." 
msgid "Imagine a text requiring exactly 500 keystrokes. There are 4 possible cases:"msgstr "Zamisli tekst koji ima točno 500 znakova. Četiri su mogućnosti:" 
msgid "0 wrong word and 0 correction: 500 correct entries out of 500 = 500/500 * 100 = 100% accuracy."msgstr "0 pogrešnih riječi i 0 ispravaka: 500 točnih znakova od 500 = 500/500 * 100 = 100% točnost." 
msgid "0 wrong word and corrections: e.g. 500 correct entries and 25 corrections = 500/(500+25) * 100 = 95,23% accuracy."msgstr "0 pogrešnih riječi i ispravci: npr. 500 točnih udaraca i 25 ispravaka = 500/(500+25) * 100 = 95,23% točnost." 
msgid "Wrong words and 0 correction: e.g. 10 wrong words worth 450 correct entries out of 500 = 450/500 * 100 = 90% accuracy."msgstr "Pogrešne riječi s 0 ispravaka: npr. 10 pogrešnih riječi koje vrijede 450 točnih znakova od 500 = 450/500 * 100 = 90% točnost." 
msgid "Wrong words and corrections: e.g. 10 wrong words worth 450 correct entries out of 500 and 25 corrections = 450/(500+25) = 85,71% accuracy."msgstr "Pogrešne riječi i ispravci: npr. 10 pogrešnih riječi koje vrijede 450 točnih znakova od 500 i 25 ispravaka = 450/(500+25) = 85,71% točnosti." 
msgid "Thank you <a href=\"https://10fastfingers.com/user/4329/\">Linsk</a> for coming up with this :)"msgstr "Hvala ti <a href=\"https://10fastfingers.com/user/4329/\">Linsk</a> za osmišljavanje ovoga :)" 
msgid "My scores over 120 WPM are not visible"msgstr "Moji rezultati iznad 120 WPM nisu vidljivi" 
msgid "If you receive a result over 120 WPM you have to unlock it with an anti-cheat-test. Click on the speech bubble at the top of the site to check for notifications."msgstr "Ako postigneš rezultat iznad 120 WPM moraš ga otključati s testom protiv varanja. Klikni na gumb na vrhu stranice kako bi provjerio obavijesti." 
msgid "My results are not visible in the competition"msgstr "Moji rezultati nisu vidljivi na natjecanju" 
msgid "If this happens in every competition you participate in, your account is probably flagged for cheating. To prevent this for future account => don't cheat. If you think you have been unjustly flagged, please send me an email with a link to your profile/account-page."msgstr "Ako se ovo događa na svakom natjecanju u kojemu si sudjelovao, tvoj račun je vjerojatno obilježen kao prevarantski račun. Kako bi ovo spriječio na sljedećem računu => nemoj varati. Ako misliš da si nepošteno optužen, molim pošalji mi e-mail s poveznicom na tvoj profil." 
msgid "You probably have to unlock your result by completing the anti-cheat-test. At the top of the page your should see 'notifications', clicking on it you will be able to participate in an anti-cheat-test."msgstr "Vjerojatno trebaš otključati svoj rezultat testom protiv varanja. Na vrhu stranice provjeri obavijesti, pritisni na poveznicu i moći ćeš sudjelovati u testu protiv varanja." 
msgid "How are the score/points in the Text Practice Mode calculated?"msgstr "Kako se računa razultat/bodovi u vježbi teksta?" 
msgid "Everytime you complete a text you get a score, here is how it is calculated:"msgstr "Svaki puta kada dovršiš tekst dobit ćeš bodove prema sljedećem izračunu:" 
msgid "The number of correct keystrokes is multiplied with the accuracy, for example: 500 (correct keystrokes) * 1.0 (100% accuracy) = 500 (acc_points)"msgstr "Broj točnih znakova se množi s točnosti, na primjer: 500 (točnih znakova) * 1.0 (100% točnost) = 500 (acc_bodovi)" 
msgid "This value (acc_points) is now multiplied with the milliseconds needed divided by 60000 milliseconds. Lets say it tooks us 60 seconds to get 500 correct keystrokes: 500 / (60000 / 60000) = 500 (acc_time_points). <br /> This calculation integrates the time into our score, the faster you type correct and accurate, the higher your score."msgstr "Ova vrijednost (acc_bodovi) se sada množi s potrebnim milisekundama podijeljenim sa 60000 milisekundi. Recimo da je potrebno 60 sekundi za napisati 500 točnih znakova: 500 / (60000 / 60000) = 500 (acc_vrijeme_bodovi). <br /> Ovaj izračun uključuje vrijeme u našem rezultatu, dakle što brže i točnije pišeš imaš bolji rezultat." 
msgid "This value (acc_time_points) is now multiplied by all keystrokes the text consisted of divided by 500. Lets say the whole text consisted of 500 keystrokes: 500 * (500 / 500) = 500 (acc_time_length_points). <br /> This last step will give longer texts an edge over very short texts (below 500 keystrokes). This is needed or otherwise very short texts would be the best way to gather points."msgstr "Ova vrijednost (acc_vrijeme_bodovi) se sada množi sa svim znakovima koje tekst sadrži, podijeljeno na 500. Recimo da cijeli tekst ima 500 znakova: 500 * (500 / 500) = 500 (acc_vrijeme_duljina_bodovi). <br /> Ovaj zadnji korak će dati prednost duljim tekstovima u odnosu na kraće (ispod 500 znakova). Ovo je potrebno jer bi inače jako kratki tekst omogućio skupljanje više bodova." 
msgid "Here is another calculation, this time with slightly different values:"msgstr "Ovdje je još jedan izračun, ovaj put s malo različitijim vrijednostima:" 
msgid "and one more:"msgstr "i još jedan:" 
msgid "Login not working"msgstr "Prijava nije moguća " 
msgid "Have you tried to login with a 1-click-login provider like \"Google\"? Maybe you used this to create your account and just forgot about it. If this doesn't work, please try the password recovery, it might take a while for the email to arrive. If this also doesn't work or the email doesn't arrive, please contact me."msgstr "Jesi li se probao prijaviti s 1-klik-prijavom poput \"Google\"? Možda si to koristio za izradu računa i zaboravio na to. Ako to ne radi, molim probaj resetirati lozinku. Molim, pričekaj nekoliko trenutaka da dođe e-mail. Ako niti to ne funkcionira, molim kontaktiraj me." 
msgid "points"msgstr "bodovi" 
msgid "How can I delete my account?"msgstr "Kako mogu izbrisati svoj račun?" 
msgid "Log into your account, go to your profile page, click on 'Settings' and at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' Button. Be aware that once your account has been deleted, it can't be restored and you have to create a new one."msgstr "Prijavi se na svoj račun i odi na profil, pritisni na 'Postavke' i na dnu ćeš vidjeti gumb 'izbriši račun'. Imaj na umu da, jednom kada izbrišeš račun, ne možeš vratiti svoje podatke i morat ćeš napraviti novi." 
msgid "letter"msgstr "slovo" 
msgid "shift"msgstr "shift" 
msgid "I currently just quintuple the characters. For example: \"明年\" will count as 10 keystrokes."msgstr "Ja trenutno samo upeterostručujem znakove. Na primjer: \"明年\" će se računati kao 10 znakova." 
msgid "Each character counts as 3 Keystrokes. This isn't accurate but there is currently no better system to determine the correct keystroke count."msgstr "Svaki znak se računa kao 3 udarca. Ovo nije točno, ali trenutno nema boljeg načina za određivanje točnog broja udarca." 
msgid "What is the tie-breaking rule?"msgstr "Koje je pravilo za izjednačenje?" 
msgid "If same WPM: the highest CPM wins."msgstr "Ako je jednaki WPM: više CPM pobjeđuje." 
msgid "If same CPM: the lowest wrong words wins."msgstr "Ako je jednako CPM: najmanje pogrešnih riječi pobjeđuje." 
msgid "If same CPM/wrong words: the lowest corrections wins."msgstr "Ako je jednako CPM/pogrešnih riječi: najmanje ispravak pobjeđuje." 
msgid "If same CPM/wrong words/corrections: the earliest test taken wins."msgstr "Ako je jednako CPM/pogrešnih riječi/ispravaka: najranije napisan test pobjeđuje." 

File "notification.po"

msgid "Notifications"msgstr "Obavijesti" 
msgid "New Achievement unlocked"msgstr "Otključano novo postignuće" 
msgid "Anticheat: Evaluate your Typing result"msgstr "Test protiv varanja: provjeri svoj rezultat tipkanja" 
msgid "Anticheat: Evaluate your Competition result"msgstr "Test protiv varanja: provjeri svoj rezultat natjecanja" 
msgid "no notifications yet"msgstr "nema obavijesti" 

File "main.po"

msgid "Improve your Typing Speed"msgstr "Poboljšaj svoju brzinu tipkanja" 
msgid "Typing Mode"msgstr "Način tipkanja" 
#typing mode selector
msgid "Typing Test"msgstr "Test tipkanja" 
#typing mode selector
msgid "Typing Test (advanced)"msgstr "Test tipkanja (napredni)" 
#typing mode selector
msgid "Typing Competition"msgstr "Natjecanje u tipkanju" 
msgid "Custom Typing Test"msgstr "Prilagođeni test tipkanja" 
msgid "Multiplayer Typing Test"msgstr "Test tipkanja s više igrača" 
msgid "Mobile App"msgstr "Mobilna aplikacija" 
msgid "Practice Mode"msgstr "Način vježbe" 
msgid "Updates"msgstr "Ažuriranja" 
msgid "Feedback"msgstr "Povratna informacija" 
msgid "Contact"msgstr "Kontakt" 
msgid "Forum"msgstr "Forum" 
msgid "Feedback / Contact"msgstr "Povratna informacija / Kontakt" 
msgid "Follow me on Twitter"msgstr "Prati me na Twitteru" 
msgid "WPM"msgstr "WPM" 
msgid "CPM"msgstr "CPM" 
msgid "CPS"msgstr "CPS" 
msgid "Keystrokes"msgstr "Znakovi" 
msgid "Username"msgstr "Korisničko ime" 
msgid "Email"msgstr "E-mail" 
msgid "<span id=\"user-online\">%s</span> Users Online"msgstr "<span id=\"user-online\">%s</span> Korisnici na mreži" 
msgid "click to show/hide countdown"msgstr "klikni za pokaži/sakrij odbrojavanje" 
msgid "Highscores"msgstr "Najbolji rezultati" 
msgid "Top 200 words"msgstr "Najčešćih 200 riječi" 
msgid "Top 1000 words"msgstr "Najčešćih 1000 riječi" 
msgid "Who can type the fastest?"msgstr "Tko može tipkati najbrže?" 
msgid "Text Practice"msgstr "Vježba teksta" 
msgid "Practice your own Text"msgstr "Vježbaj svoj tekst" 
msgid "Top 1000"msgstr "Najčešćih 1000" 
msgid "Unlock the Top 1000 words of your language"msgstr "Otključaj 1000 najčešćih riječi svog jezika" 
msgid "Check out our Android Mobile App"msgstr "Pogledaj našu Android mobilnu aplikaciju" 
msgid "Sorry, but you have to be logged in to use this feature."msgstr "Žao nam je, moraš biti prijavljen za korištenje te značajke." 
msgid "created"msgstr "izrađeno" 
msgid "ABC Typing App"msgstr "ABC mobilna aplikacija" 
msgid "How fast can you type the ABC?"msgstr "Koliko brzo možeš napisati ABC?" 

File "competition.po"

msgid "Typing Competition"msgstr "Natjecanje u tipkanju" 
msgid "Create Game"msgstr "Napravi igru" 
msgid "Join Game"msgstr "Pridruži se" 
msgid "Result"msgstr "Rezultat" 
msgid "Words per Minute: 1 word equals 5 keystrokes"msgstr "Znakova u minuti: 1 riječi je jednako 5 znakova" 
msgid "Words per minute (WPM)"msgstr "Znakova u minuti (WPM)" 
msgid "Correct words"msgstr "Točne riječi" 
msgid "Wrong words"msgstr "Pogrešne riječi" 
msgid "Can you type faster than your friends?"msgstr "Možeš li tipkati brže od svojih prijatelja?" 
msgid "Just type the text in the box, you have 1 minute to type as many words as possible."msgstr "Prepiši tekst iz okvira. Imaš 1 minutu da napišeš što više riječi možeš." 
msgid "You and your friends all get the same text and only your highest score counts, so if you are not satisfied with your score, just try again. Try to reach the first place before the competition ends."msgstr "Ti i tvoji prijatelji ćete dobiti isti tekst i računa se samo tvoj najbolji rezultat. Ako nisi zadovoljan sa svojim rezultatom, jednostavno pokušaj ponovno. Pokušaj postići prvo mjesto prije završetka natjecanja." 
msgid "Invite your friends"msgstr "Pozovi svoje prijatelje" 
#Facebook Share Title
msgid "Typing Competition 10FastFingers.com"msgstr "Natjecanje u tipkanju 10FastFingers.com" 
#Twitter Share Text
msgid "Are you faster than me, lets find out"msgstr "Saznajmo jesi li brži od mene" 
#Email Share Subject
msgid "Who can type faster"msgstr "Tko može tipkati brže" 
#Email Share Body/Message
msgid "Lets have a fun typing battle"msgstr "Idemo se zabaviti natjecanjem u tipkanju" 
msgid "Create a new Competition"msgstr "Napravi novo natjecanje" 
#Create new Competition Button
msgid "Go"msgstr "Kreni" 
msgid "<a href=\"/login\">Login</a> to save your score"msgstr "<a href=\"/login\">Prijavi se</a> kako bi spremio svoj rezultat" 
#Competition ends in
msgid "ends in"msgstr "završava u" 
#competition details. VAR: tests taken by users | number of participants
msgid "<span id=\"tests-taken\">%s</span> tests taken by <span id=\"count-competitors\">%s</span> competitors"msgstr "<span id=\"tests-taken\">%s</span> odrađenih testova <span id=\"count-competitors\">%s</span> natjecatelji" 
msgid "Username"msgstr "Korisničko ime" 
msgid "ago"msgstr "prije" 
msgid "Start a Typing Competition"msgstr "Pokreni natjecanje u tipkanju" 
msgid "Create a private competition by activating the checkbox"msgstr "Napravi privatno natjecanje aktiviranjem kućice" 
msgid "(No one will be able to see the competition, unless you share the url)"msgstr "(Nitko neće moći vidjeti natjecanje osim ako ne podijeliš poveznicu)" 
msgid "Pick your language, then press the Button"msgstr "Odaberi svoj jezik i pritisni gumb" 
msgid "Participants"msgstr "Sudionici" 
msgid "Tests taken"msgstr "Odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Time left"msgstr "Preostalo vrijeme" 
#Join Competition Button
msgid "Join"msgstr "Pridruži se" 
msgid "You have to be <a href=\"/login\">logged in</a> to create a Competition."msgstr "Moraš biti <a href=\"/login\">prijavljen</a> kako bi napravio natjecanje." 
#Competition Facebook Share Link. VAR: competition-hash
msgid "<a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://apps.facebook.com/ten_fast_fingers/competition/%s&t=Typing Competition 10FastFingers.com\" target=\"_blank\" id=\"facebook\" class=\"share-btn\"></a>"msgstr "<a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://apps.facebook.com/ten_fast_fingers/competition/%s&t=Typing Competition 10FastFingers.com\" target=\"_blank\" id=\"facebook\" class=\"share-btn\"></a>" 
#Competition Twitter Share Link. VAR: competition-hash
msgid "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/home?status=Are you faster than me, lets find out: https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s\" target=\"_blank\" id=\"twitter\" class=\"share-btn\"></a>"msgstr "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/home?status=Saznajmo jesi li brži od mene: https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s\" target=\"_blank\" id=\"twitter\" class=\"sha  re-btn\"></a>" 
#Competition Google Plus Share Link. VAR: competition-hash
msgid "<a href=\"https://plusone.google.com/_/+1/confirm?hl=en&url=https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s\" target=\"_blank\" id=\"google\" class=\"share-btn\"></a>"msgstr "<a href=\"https://plusone.google.com/_/+1/confirm?hl=en&url=https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s\" target=\"_blank\" id=\"google\" class=\"share-btn\"></a>" 
#Competition Email Share Link. VAR: competition-hash
msgid "<a href=\"mailto:?subject=Who is the fastest typer&body=Lets have a fun typing competition:\n\n https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s\" id=\"email\" class=\"share-btn\"></a>"msgstr "<a href=\"mailto:?subject=Tko tipka najbrže&body=Zabavimo se na natjecanju u tipkanju:\n\n https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s\" id=\"email\" class=\"share-btn\"></a>" 
#Competition URL Share Link. VAR: competition-hash | competition-hash
msgid "Start: <a href=\"https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s\">https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s</a>"msgstr "Kreni: <a href=\"https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s\">https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s</a>" 
msgid "Can you type faster than your friends? Everybody gets the same text and only your highest score counts, try to reach the first place before the competition ends."msgstr "Možeš li tipkati brže od svojih prijatelja? Svi ćete dobiti isti tekst i računa se samo tvoj najbolji rezultat. Pokušaj biti prvi prije završetka natjecanja." 
msgid "Competition finished. You can create a new one, just click on the button."msgstr "Natjecanje je završilo. Pritiskom na gumb možeš napraviti novo." 
msgid "You participated in this Typing competition"msgstr "Sudjelovao si u ovom natjecanju u tipkanju" 
msgid "Number of tests taken"msgstr "Broj odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Competition Ranking"msgstr "Poredak" 
msgid "In Competition wins are only the public competitions included"msgstr "Za broj pobjeda u natjecanju računaju se samo javna natjecanja" 
msgid "Wins"msgstr "Pobjeđuje" 
msgid "Competitions taken"msgstr "Broj odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "You can only have one active competition at a time: <a href=\"https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s\">https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s</a>"msgstr "Možeš imati samo jedno aktivno natjecanje: <a href=\"https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s\">https://10fastfingers.com/competition/%s</a>" 

File "user.po"

#profile message if user profile doesn't exist
msgid "User doesn't exist"msgstr "Korisnik ne postoji" 
msgid "Settings saved"msgstr "Postavke su spremljene" 
msgid "Unable to save settings, please try again."msgstr "Nije moguće spremiti postavke, molimo pokušajte ponovno." 
msgid "Username saved"msgstr "Korisničko ime je spremljeno" 
msgid "Username already exists"msgstr "Korisničko ime već postoji" 
msgid "Password saved"msgstr "Lozinka je spremljena" 
msgid "Your new password has to be between 6 and 40 characters"msgstr "Tvoja nova lozinka treba imati između 6 i 40 znakova" 
msgid "The passwords have to match"msgstr "Lozinke trebaju biti jednake" 
msgid "Your old password is wrong"msgstr "Tvoje stara lozinka je pogrešna" 
msgid "User"msgstr "Korisnik" 
msgid "Settings"msgstr "Postavke" 
msgid "Save"msgstr "Spremi" 
msgid "Cancel"msgstr "Odustani" 
#default if user didn't provide a description about himself
msgid "Edit your description under \"settings\" <br />Let us know a little bit about yourself and what your typing goals are :)"msgstr "Uredi svoj opis u \"postavkama\" <br />Reci nam više o sebi i svojim daktilografskim ciljevima :)" 
msgid "User details"msgstr "Detalji o korisniku" 
msgid "last login"msgstr "zadnja prijava" 
msgid "member since"msgstr "član od" 
msgid "Profile views"msgstr "Pregleda profila" 
msgid "Keyboard Layout"msgstr "Raspored tipkovnice" 
msgid "Keyboard"msgstr "Tipkovnica" 
msgid "Tests taken"msgstr "Odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Competitions taken"msgstr "Odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "last 50 tests"msgstr "zadnjih 50 testova" 
msgid "Highest WPM"msgstr "Najviše WPM" 
msgid "Lowest WPM"msgstr "Najmanje WPM" 
msgid "Average WPM"msgstr "Prosjek WPM" 
msgid "Achievements"msgstr "Postignuća" 
msgid "Visitors"msgstr "Posjetitelji" 
msgid "Activity"msgstr "Aktivnost" 
msgid "Recent Competitions"msgstr "Nedavna natjecanja" 
msgid "Graph"msgstr "Graf" 
msgid "back to Profile"msgstr "natrag na Profil" 
msgid "Profile"msgstr "Profil" 
msgid "Real Names are preferred"msgstr "Poželjna su stvarna imena" 
msgid "save"msgstr "spremi" 
msgid "Save settings"msgstr "Spremi postavke" 
msgid "User"msgstr "Korisnik" 
msgid "Which keyboard do you use?"msgstr "Koju tipkovnicu koristiš?" 
#Keyboard name input box placeholder
msgid "Keyboard Name"msgstr "Naziv tipkovnice" 
msgid "Keyboard Name (e.g. Logitech K120)"msgstr "Naziv tipkovnice (npr. Logitech K120)" 
msgid "Change your password"msgstr "Promijeni lozinku" 
#password reset form placeholders
msgid "Old password"msgstr "Stara lozinka" 
msgid "New password"msgstr "Nova lozinka" 
msgid "Confirm password"msgstr "Potvrdi lozinku" 
msgid "Gravatar Profile Picture"msgstr "Gravatar slika profila" 
msgid "You can use Gravatar to upload or change your profile picture."msgstr "Možeš koristiti Gravatar za postavljanje ili promjenu svoje slike profila." 
msgid "What is Gravatar"msgstr "Što je Gravatar" 
msgid "This is your gravatar:"msgstr "Ovo je tvoj gravatar:" 
msgid "Words typed"msgstr "Napisanih riječi" 
msgid "Description"msgstr "Opis" 
msgid "Recent Competitions"msgstr "Nedavna natjecanja" 
msgid "Language"msgstr "Jezik" 
msgid "Participants"msgstr "Sudionici" 
msgid "Tests taken"msgstr "Odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Visit Typing Competition"msgstr "Posjeti natjecanje u tipkanju" 
msgid "normal"msgstr "normalno" 
msgid "advanced"msgstr "napredno" 
msgid "corrections"msgstr "ispravljanja" 
msgid "Competitions won"msgstr "Pobijeđena natjecanja" 
msgid "Delete Account"msgstr "Obriši račun" 
msgid "Delete my Account"msgstr "Obriši moj račun" 
msgid "You can delete your account by pressing the button on the bottom right. Keep in mind that once your account is deleted, it can't be restored."msgstr "Možeš izbrisati svoj račun pritiskom na gumb koji se nalazi dolje desno. Imaj na umu da ne možeš vratiti račun koji si jednom izbrisao." 
msgid "If you want to share the reason why you want to delete your account, please send me an email: [email protected]"msgstr "Ako želiš podijeliti razlog zašto želiš izbrisati račun, molim pošalji mi e-mail na: [email protected]" 
msgid "Thank you for using 10FastFingers.com :)"msgstr "Hvala što si koristio 10FastFingers.com :)" 
msgid "User ID"msgstr "ID korisnika" 
msgid "Your account has been deleted"msgstr "Tvoj račun je izbrisan" 
msgid "last 500 results for each typing mode"msgstr "zadnjih 500 rezultata za svaku razinu tipkanja" 
msgid "Most active users"msgstr "Najaktivniji korisnici" 
msgid "no description"msgstr "bez opisa" 

File "badge.po"

msgid "My Typing Test Score"msgstr "Moj rezultat u testu tipkanja" 
msgid "%s WPM"msgstr "%s WPM" 
msgid "Are you faster? Click here and try!"msgstr "Jesi li brži? Klikni ovdje i pokušaj!" 
msgid "Are you faster?"msgstr "Jesi li brži?" 

File "practice.po"

msgid "Typing Practice"msgstr "Vježba tipkanja" 
msgid "Typing Practice - free games to improve your typing speed"msgstr "Vježba tipkanja – besplatne igre za poboljšavanje brzine tipkanja" 
msgid "The Top 1000 mode helps you practice the most frequent words in the english language. Every level has 50 words in it (except for the boss level, which has 100). If you reach 50 WPM, the next level is unlocked"msgstr "Najčešćih 1000 ti pomaže izvježbati najčešće riječi u engleskom jeziku. Svaka razina ima 50 riječi (osim zadnje koja ima 100). Sljedeću razinu otključavaš kad postigneš 50 WPM." 
msgid "Please login to access the Top1000 mode."msgstr "Molimo prijavite se za pristup Najčešćih 1000." 
msgid "Sorry, but you haven't unlocked this level yet."msgstr "Žao nam je, ali još niste otključali ovu razinu." 
msgid "more"msgstr "više" 
msgid "less"msgstr "manje" 
msgid "<strong>Stars:</strong> The faster you type, the more stars are unlocked. For the normal levels you can unlock up to 5 stars:"msgstr "<strong>Stars:</strong> Što brže tipkaš, to više zvjezdica otključavaš. Za normalnu razinu možeš otključati do 5 zvjezdica:" 
msgid "40 WPM = 1 Star"msgstr "40 WPM = 1 zvijezda" 
msgid "50 WPM = 2 Stars (and also unlocks the next level)"msgstr "50 WPM = 2 zvijezde (i otključava sljedeću razinu)" 
msgid "60 WPM = 3 stars"msgstr "60 WPM = 3 zvijezde" 
msgid "80 WPM = 4 stars"msgstr "80 WPM = 4 zvijezde" 
msgid "100 WPM = 5 stars"msgstr "100 WPM = 5 zvijezda" 
msgid "In the boss level you can unlock up to 7 Stars, the normal 5 ones you already know and with <strong>120 WPM = 6 stars</strong> and <strong>140 WPM = 7 stars</strong>. This way you can repeat the boss level multiple times to reach 7 stars (and in the end helps you practice those words even more :D )."msgstr "U razini šef možeš otključati do 7 zvjezdica, uobičajenih 5 koje već znaš i sa <strong>120 WPM = 6 zvjezdica</strong> i <strong>140 WPM = 7 zvjezdica</strong>. Na ovaj način možeš ponavljati razinu šefa nekoliko puta dok ne postigneš 7 zvjezdica (i na kraju ti pomaže izvježbati te riječi još više :D )." 
msgid "<strong>Hardcore Mode:</strong> The hardcore mode will be unlocked as soon as you finished the final boss level in the softcore mode with at least 50 WPM."msgstr "<strong>Najteži način:</strong> Najteža razina će se otključati odmah kada završiš zadnju razinu šefa s najmanje 50 WPM." 
msgid "The only difference between the hardcore and the softcore mode is that in the hardcore mode you have to <strong>complete each level without making a mistake</strong>. If you type a word wrong it will become red and you can still fix your mistake, but once you press space and the word was misspelled, the test will end and you have to repeat the level."msgstr "Jedina razlika između laganog i teškog načina je da u teškom načinu trebaš <strong>završiti svaku razinu bez pogreške</strong>. Ako napišeš pogrešnu riječ i postane "crvena" još uvijek ju možeš izbrisati i popraviti, ali kada pritisneš razmak i riječ je pogrešna, test će se završiti i trebaš ponoviti razinu." 
msgid "Softcore Mode"msgstr "Lagani način" 
msgid "Hardcore Mode"msgstr "Težak način" 
msgid "Softcore"msgstr "Lagano" 
msgid "Hardcore"msgstr "Teško" 
msgid "highest score"msgstr "Najviši rezultat" 
msgid "40 wpm or higher"msgstr "40 wpm ili više" 
msgid "50 wpm or higher"msgstr "50 wpm ili više" 
msgid "60 wpm or higher"msgstr "60 wpm ili više" 
msgid "80 wpm or higher"msgstr "80 wpm ili više" 
msgid "100 wpm or higher"msgstr "100 wpm ili više" 
msgid "120 wpm or higher"msgstr "120 wpm ili više" 
msgid "140 wpm or higher"msgstr "140 wpm ili više" 
msgid "Beat the previous level to unlock this challenge"msgstr "Nadmaši prošlu razinu da otključaš ovaj izazov" 
msgid "Boss"msgstr "Šef" 
msgid "Result"msgstr "Rezultat" 
msgid "Words per Minute: 1 word equals 5 keystrokes"msgstr "Riječi u minuti: 1 riječi je jednaka 5 znakova" 
msgid "Words per minute (WPM)"msgstr "Riječi u minuti (WPM)" 
msgid "correct"msgstr "točno" 
msgid "wrong"msgstr "pogrešno" 
msgid "Keystrokes"msgstr "Znakovi" 
msgid "Correct words"msgstr "Točne riječi" 
msgid "Wrong words"msgstr "Pogrešne riječi" 
msgid "Accuracy"msgstr "Točnost" 
msgid "time (seconds)"msgstr "vrijeme (sekunde)" 
msgid "You have to get at least 50 WPM to unlock the next level, please try again :)"msgstr "Moraš postići minimalno 50 WPM za otključavanje sljedeće razine, molimo pokušaj ponovno :)" 
msgid "Congratulations, you unlocked the next level!"msgstr "Čestitamo, otključao si sljedeću razinu!" 
msgid "Next Level"msgstr "Sljedeća razina" 
msgid "Level Overview"msgstr "Pregled razine" 
msgid "Level"msgstr "Razina" 
msgid "This is not a keystroke counter, you will see your keystroke count after completing the text."msgstr "Ovo nije brojač znakova. Svoj broj znakova vidjet ćeš kada završiš tekst." 
msgid "Character Progress"msgstr "Napredak znakova" 
msgid "WPM"msgstr "WPM" 
msgid "your highest score"msgstr "Tvoj najviši rezultat" 
msgid "Text Practice Mode"msgstr "Način vježbanja teksta" 
msgid "language filter:"msgstr "filter jezika:" 
msgid "All languages"msgstr "Svi jezici" 
msgid "TOP"msgstr "TOP" 
msgid "Upcoming"msgstr "Sljedeće" 
msgid "New"msgstr "Novo" 
msgid "My Texts"msgstr "Moji tekstovi" 
msgid "My Favorites"msgstr "Moji omiljeni" 
msgid "Create Text"msgstr "Napiši tekst" 
msgid "Unable to save your text, please fix the issues mentioned below."msgstr "Nije moguće spremiti tvoj tekst, molimo popravite sljedeće probleme." 
msgid "Text has to be a private to perform this action."msgstr "Tekst treba biti privatan kako bi se obavila ova akcija." 
msgid "Text has to be a draft to be edited."msgstr "Tekst treba biti skica da bi se mogao uređivati." 
msgid "Your draft has been saved."msgstr "Tvoja skica je spremljena." 
msgid "Your draft has been updated."msgstr "Tvoja skica je ažurirana." 
msgid "Unable to update your draft."msgstr "Nije moguće ažurirati skicu." 
msgid "Text has to be a private to perform this action."msgstr "Tekst treba biti privatan kako bi se obavila ova akcija." 
msgid "Text is now a draft and can be edited, all results for this text have been removed"msgstr "Tekst je sad skica i može se urediti, svi rezultati za ovaj tekst su uklonjeni." 
msgid "Text removed"msgstr "Tekst je uklonjen" 
msgid "Text is not a draft, only drafts can be deleted."msgstr "Tekst nije skica, samo je skicu moguće izbrisati." 
msgid "Text has to be a draft to be saved or published."msgstr "Tekst treba biti skica da bi se spremio ili objavio." 
msgid "Text has been saved as private."msgstr "Tekst je spremljen kao privatan." 
msgid "Text has been published as public."msgstr "Tekst je javno objavljen." 
msgid "Create new text"msgstr "Napiši novi tekst" 
msgid "Text title"msgstr "Naslov teksta" 
msgid "Your text"msgstr "Tvoj tekst" 
msgid "Text language"msgstr "Jezik teksta" 
msgid "Edit your draft"msgstr "Uredi skicu" 
msgid "Please choose a descriptive title"msgstr "Molimo odaberite opisni naslov" 
msgid "At least 10 characters"msgstr "Najmanje 10 znakova" 
msgid "Save Draft"msgstr "Spremi skicu" 
msgid "Warning"msgstr "Upozorenje" 
msgid "Your text is currently in <strong>private</strong>-state. If you want to edit your text, you must set it to <strong>draft</strong>-state.<br> When changing to draft-state <strong>all your results will be deleted</strong>. This action can not be undone!"msgstr "Tvoj tekst je trenutno u <strong>privatnom</strong>-obliku. Ako želiš urediti svoj tekst trebaš ga postaviti kao <strong>skicu</strong>-state.<br> Tijekom mijenjanja u skicu <strong>svi tvoji rezultati će se izbrisati</strong>. Ova radnja ne može se poništiti!" 
msgid "Go back to text"msgstr "Povratak na tekst" 
msgid "or"msgstr "ili" 
msgid "Delete results and change text-state to draft"msgstr "Izbriši rezultate i promijeni status teksta u skicu" 
msgid "make changes, fix grammar etc."msgstr "napravi promjene, popravi gramatiku itd." 
msgid "edit draft"msgstr "uredi skicu" 
msgid "Only you and the people you share the url with will be able to see this text. The text can be edited afterwards, but your progress will be erased."msgstr "Samo ti i osobe s kojima podijeliš url će moći vidjeti ovaj tekst. Tekst se može kasnije mijenjati, ali svi rezultati bit će izbrisani." 
msgid "save text (private)"msgstr "spremi tekst (privatno)" 
msgid "Everyone will be able to see this text. This can't be undone and you won't be able to edit or delete the text afterwards!"msgstr "Svi će moći vidjeti ovaj tekst. Ovo se ne može promijeniti i kasnije nećeš moći uređivati ili izbrisati tekst!" 
msgid "publish text (public)"msgstr "objavi tekst (javno)" 
msgid "Are you sure?"msgstr "Jesi li siguran?" 
msgid "This will delete the draft. If you just want to add/edit/remove parts of the text, use the [edit draft] option."msgstr "Ovo će izbrisati skicu. Ako samo želiš dodati/promijeniti/izbrisati dijelove teksta, koristi opciju [uređivanje skice]." 
msgid "delete draft"msgstr "izbriši skicu" 
msgid "Congratulations, you scored %s points!"msgstr "Čestitamo, postigao si %s bodova!" 
msgid "You completed this test %s time(s)."msgstr "Završio si ovaj test u %s vremenu." 
msgid "You finished this test in <strong>%s</strong> seconds with an accuracy of <strong>%s</strong>"msgstr "Završio si test u <strong>%s</strong> sekundi sa sljedećim postotkom točnosti <strong>%s</strong>" 
msgid "You typed <strong>%s</strong> correct keystrokes with <strong>%s</strong> corrections."msgstr "Napisao si <strong>%s</strong> točnih znakova s <strong>%s</strong> ispravaka." 
msgid "<strong>%s</strong> words were correct and <strong>%s</strong> were wrong."msgstr "<strong>%s</strong> riječi je točnih i <strong>%s</strong> je pogrešnih." 
msgid "restart this test"msgstr "Ponovi ovaj test" 
msgid "or press 'r' to restart"msgstr "ili pritisni 'r' za ponovno pokretanje" 
msgid "Rate this text"msgstr "Ocijeni ovaj tekst" 
msgid "Statistics"msgstr "Statistika" 
msgid "Score"msgstr "Rezultat" 
msgid "time in minutes and seconds"msgstr "vrijeme u minutama i sekundama" 
msgid "Time"msgstr "Vrijeme" 
msgid "accuracy"msgstr "točnost" 
msgid "your score"msgstr "tvoj rezultat" 
msgid "your average"msgstr "tvoj prosjek" 
msgid "average worldwide"msgstr "prosjek svijeta" 
msgid "your best result"msgstr "tvoj najbolji rezultat" 
msgid "best result worldwide"msgstr "najbolji rezultat na svijetu" 
msgid "This is what you typed"msgstr "Ovo si napisao" 
msgid "edit text"msgstr "uredi tekst" 
msgid "created %s by <a href=\"user-id\">%s</a>"msgstr "napravio %s <a href=\"id korisnika\">%s</a>" 
msgid "rating"msgstr "ranking" 
msgid "words"msgstr "riječi" 
msgid "completed"msgstr "dovršeno" 
msgid "favorited"msgstr "omiljeni" 
msgid "type to start ..."msgstr "piši za početak ..." 
msgid "today"msgstr "danas" 
msgid "this week"msgstr "ovaj tjedan" 
msgid "this month"msgstr "ovaj mjesec" 
msgid "this year"msgstr "ovu godinu" 
msgid "all time"msgstr "cijelo vrijeme" 
msgid "State"msgstr "Država" 
msgid "Title"msgstr "Naslov" 
msgid "search ..."msgstr "traži ..." 
msgid "Textlength"msgstr "Duljina teksta" 
msgid "Rating"msgstr "Ranking" 
msgid "Views"msgstr "Pregledi" 
msgid "Finished"msgstr "Završeno" 
msgid "Age"msgstr "Godine" 
msgid "draft"msgstr "skica" 
msgid "public"msgstr "javno" 
msgid "private"msgstr "privatno" 
msgid "%s votes"msgstr "%s glasova" 
msgid "%s words"msgstr "%s riječi" 
msgid "%s characters"msgstr "%s znakova" 
msgid "%s / day"msgstr "%s / dan" 
msgid "sorry, no text available"msgstr "žao nam je, tekst nije dostupan" 
msgid "Text not found"msgstr "Tekst nije pronađen" 
msgid "Please login to rate this text."msgstr "Molimo prijavite kako biste ocijenili tekst." 
msgid "Thank you for voting!"msgstr "Hvala na glasovanju!" 
msgid "Rating: %s"msgstr "Ranking: %s" 
msgid "Rating visible after 3 or more votes"msgstr "Ranking vidljiv nakon 3 ili više glasova" 
msgid "Top 1000 Typing Mode"msgstr "Najčešćih 1000" 
msgid "My Practice Texts"msgstr "Moji tekstovi za vježbu" 
msgid "Add a Text for typing practice - Text Practice Mode - "msgstr "Dodaj tekst za vježbu – Vježbaj tekst - " 
msgid "saving score / loading statistics ..."msgstr "spremanje rezultata / učitavanje statistike ..." 
msgid "Text Draft - "msgstr "Skica teksta - " 
msgid "Report Spam"msgstr "Prijavi spam" 
msgid "Flag text as spam"msgstr "Označi tekst kao spam" 
msgid "Do you really want to report this text for spam?"msgstr "Želiš li stvarno prijaviti ovaj tekst kao spam?" 
msgid "Report for Spam"msgstr "Prijavi kao spam" 
msgid "Cancel"msgstr "Odustani" 
msgid "Thank you for helping to keep 10FastFingers clean!"msgstr "Hvala što pomažeš održati 10FastFingers čistim!" 
msgid "Wrong text."msgstr "Pogrešan tekst." 
msgid "You have to be logged in to report a text for spam."msgstr "Trebaš biti prijavljen kako bi prijavio tekst kao spam." 

File "account.po"

msgid "Create an account"msgstr "Napravi račun" 
msgid "Username"msgstr "Korisničko ime" 
msgid "Password"msgstr "Lozinka" 
msgid "Confirm Password"msgstr "Ponovi lozinku" 
msgid "Email"msgstr "E-mail" 
msgid "for password recovery, new features & achievements"msgstr "Za resetiranje lozinke, nove značajke & postignuća" 
msgid "Create your account"msgstr "Napravi svoj račun" 
msgid "Facebook Login"msgstr "Facebook prijava" 
msgid "Twitter Login"msgstr "Twitter prijava" 
msgid "Google Login"msgstr "Google prijava" 
msgid "Login / Create Account"msgstr "Prijavi se / Napravi račun" 
msgid "1-Click-Login"msgstr "1 klik prijava" 
msgid "Email Login"msgstr "E-mail prijava" 
msgid "Login"msgstr "Prijava" 
msgid "Create Account"msgstr "Napravi račun" 
msgid "Forgot your Password?"msgstr "Zaboravio si lozinku?" 
msgid "Password Recovery"msgstr "Oporavak lozinke" 
msgid "Keep me logged in"msgstr "Ostavi me prijavljenim" 
msgid "Create an Account"msgstr "Napravi račun" 
msgid "Profile"msgstr "Profil" 
msgid "Settings"msgstr "Postavke" 
msgid "Logout"msgstr "Odjava" 
msgid "Insert the email you signed-up with. We will then send you an email to help you recover your password."msgstr "Upiši e-mail kojim si se prijavio. Poslat ćemo ti e-mail za oporavak lozinke." 
#forgot password
msgid "Click this link to receive a temporary password for your account (we will send you this password in another eMail):"msgstr "Pritisni ovu poveznicu kako bi dobio privremenu lozinku za svoj račun (ovu lozinku ćemo ti poslati u drugom e-mailu):" 
#forgot password email subject
msgid "Password Recovery Link"msgstr "Poveznica za oporavak lozinke" 
#forgot password
msgid "We just send you an email with a link in it. Click the link and we will generate a new password for you."msgstr "Upravo smo ti poslali e-mail s poveznicom. Pritisni na poveznicu i generirat ćemo za tebe novu lozinku." 
#forgot password email message. VAR: generated password
msgid "This is your temporary password: <strong>%s</strong><br /><br /> Please change this password after your login in your profile settings."msgstr "Ovo je tvoja privremena lozinka: <strong>%s</strong><br /><br /> Molimo u postavkama promijenite ovu lozinku nakon što se prijavite na svoj profil." 
#Welcome message. VAR: username
msgid "Welcome to 10FastFingers.com, %s"msgstr "Dobrodošli na 10FastFingers.com, %s" 
msgid "Welcome to 10fastfingers.com"msgstr "Dobrodošli na 10fastfingers.com" 
#create account error message
msgid "Please fix the errors to create your account."msgstr "Molimo popravite pogreške kako biste napravili svoj račun." 
#native login error message
msgid "Username or Password is wrong. Please try again."msgstr "Korisničko ime ili lozinka su pogrešni. Molimo pokušajte ponovno." 
#google login
msgid "User has canceled authentication!"msgstr "Korisnik je otkazao ovjeru!" 
#send button text for password recovery form
msgid "send"msgstr "pošalji" 
msgid "Username / Email"msgstr "Korisničko ime / E-mail" 
msgid "We couldnt find the email you entered. Is it possible that you logged in with another account (like: Facebook, Twitter or Google)? Please try to login with our 1-click-login methods. If that also doesnt work, please send me an email"msgstr "Nismo mogli pronaći e-mail koji ste unijeli. Možda ste se prijavili s drugim računom (npr.: Facebook, Twitter ili Google)? Molimo, pokušajte se prijaviti s našom jedan klik metodom. Ako niti to ne funkcionira, molim pošaljite mi e-mail." 
msgid "You cancelled the authentication process. You have to accept the account permissions if you want to login to 10FastFingers with your Google account. We ask you for your basic profile info to show your profile image on 10FastFingers and your email so we can send you important updates for 10FastFingers in the future (we promise that we won't send spam or sell your email address)."msgstr "Prekinuli ste proces ovjere. Trebate prihvatiti dozvolu računa ako se želite prijaviti na 10FastFingers sa svojim Google računom. Tražimo te tvoje osnovne informacije o profilu kako bi pokazali tvoju sliku profila na 10FastFingers i e-mail adresu tako da ti možemo slati važne novosti s 10FastFingers u budućnosti (obećavamo da ti nećemo slati neželjenu poštu ili prodati tvoju e-mail adresu)." 
msgid "If you don't feel safe with this option, you can of course use one of our other login mechanisms! Happy Typing :)"msgstr "Ako misliš da ovo nije sigurno, možeš koristiti neku drugu opciju prijave! Sretno tipkanje :)" 
msgid "login, please wait"msgstr "prijavljivanje, molimo čekajte" 
msgid "Error, please try again. If the error keeps appearing, please send me an email."msgstr "Error, please try again. If the error keeps appearing, please send me an email." 
msgid "Password recovered! Please check your email inbox for your new password."msgstr "Lozinka obnovljena! Molimo provjerite svoj e-mail kako bi pronašli novu lozinku." 
msgid "Please provide a valid Email address"msgstr "Molimo unesite točnu e-mail adresu" 
msgid "We send you an Email to the address you provided. Please click the link inside this email to activate your account."msgstr "Poslali smo ti e-mail na E-mail adresu koju si upisao. Molimo klikni na poveznicu u e-mailu za aktivaciju računa." 
msgid "Account activation"msgstr "Aktivacija računa" 
msgid "Activate Account"msgstr "Aktiviraj račun" 
msgid "Thank you for joining 10FastFingers.com, please click the following link to activate your account: https://10fastfingers.com/account/activate/%s/%s"msgstr "Hvala vam što ste se priključili na 10FastFingers.com, molimo pritisnite na sljedeću poveznicu za aktivaciju računa: https://10fastfingers.com/account/activate/%s/%s" 
msgid "This link is invalid"msgstr "Ova poveznica nije valjana" 
msgid "Sorry, but this email address is already used by another account."msgstr "Žao nam je, ali ova e-mail adresa se već koristi za drugi račun." 
msgid "Your Token has expired! Use the forgot password form or contact administrator."msgstr "Tvoj znak je istekao! Iskoristi opciju zaboravljena lozinka ili kontaktiraj administratora." 

File "speedtest.po"

#page title
msgid "Typing Test"msgstr "Test tipkanja" 
msgid "Advanced Typing Test"msgstr "Napredni test tipkanja" 
#speedtest page meta description
msgid "Typing Test - 10fastfingers offers a free online Typing Test Game in multiple languages. You can measure your typing skills, improve your typing speed and compare your results with your friends. How fast are you? Visit 10fastfingers.com and figure it out!"msgstr "Test tipkanja - 10fastfingers nudi besplatne igre tipkanja na nekoliko jezika. Možeš provjeriti svoju vještinu tipkanja, poboljšati svoju brzinu i usporediti svoj rezultat s prijateljima. Koliko si brz? Posjeti 10fastfingers.com i saznaj!" 
#speedtest result page title
msgid "I can type %s words per minute. Are you faster?"msgstr "Ja mogu tipkati %s riječi u minuti. Jesi li brži?" 
#speedtest result page description
msgid "Test your typing speed and compare the result with your friends."msgstr "Provjeri svoju brzinu tipkanja i usporedi rezultat s prijateljima." 
msgid "Result"msgstr "Rezultat" 
msgid "Share"msgstr "Podijeli" 
msgid "Share on Facebook"msgstr "Podijeli na Facebook" 
msgid "Share your Result"msgstr "Podijeli svoj rezultat" 
msgid "Copy & paste the HTMLcode below to add this to your blog, website or forum signature (ask me if you need help: [email protected] - please English or German only)"msgstr "Kopiraj & zalijepi HTML kod koji se nalazi ispod kako bi ovo dodao na svoj blog, web stranicu ili forum (pitaj migracije ako trebaš pomoć na: [email protected] – na engleskom ili njemačkom jeziku)" 
msgid "Copy this code and paste it into your blog, website or forum signature"msgstr "Kopiraj i zalijepi ovaj kod na svoj blog, web stranicu ili forum" 
msgid "Words per minute (WPM)"msgstr "Riječi u minuti (WPM)" 
msgid "Words per Minute: 1 word equals 5 keystrokes"msgstr "Riječi u minuti: 1 riječi je jednako 5 znakova" 
msgid "Correct words"msgstr "Točnih riječi" 
msgid "Wrong words"msgstr "Pogrešnih riječi" 
msgid "You are better than <span id=\"better-than-percent-value\">%s%%</span> of all users <small>(<strong>position %s</strong> of %s - last 24 hours</small>)"msgstr "Bolji si od <span id=\"better-than-percent-value\">%s%%</span> svi korisnici <small>(<strong>position %s</strong> od %s - zadnjih 24 sata</small>)" 
msgid "You reached <strong>%s Points</strong> so you achieved <strong>position %s</strong> of %s on the ranking list <em>(last 24 hours)</em>"msgstr "Postigao si <strong>%s bodova</strong> i postigao si <strong>position %s</strong> %s na rankingu <em>(last 24 hours)</em>" 
msgid "http://twitter.com/home?status=My+Typing+Test+Score:+%s+WPM!+Are+you+faster?"msgstr "http://twitter.com/home?status=My+Typing+Test+Score:+%s+WPM!+Are+you+faster?" 
msgid "http://twitter.com/home?status=My+Typing+Test+Score:+%s+WPM!+Are+you+faster? - https://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/%s+%%23speedtest+%%23typing+%%23test+%%2310fastfingers"msgstr "http://twitter.com/home?status=My+Typing+Test+Score:+%s+WPM!+Are+you+faster? - https://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/%s+%%23speedtest+%%23typing+%%23test+%%2310fastfingers" 
msgid "http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https://10fastfingers.com/result/%s_%s/I+can+type+%s+words+per+minute+Are+you+faster?"msgstr "http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https://10fastfingers.com/result/%s_%s/I+can+type+%s+words+per+minute+Are+you+faster?" 
msgid "https://10fastfingers.com/result/%s_%s/I+can+type+%s+words+per+minute+Are+you+faster?"msgstr "https://10fastfingers.com/result/%s_%s/I+can+type+%s+words+per+minute+Are+you+faster?" 
msgid "My Typing Test Score"msgstr "Moj rezultat testa tipkanja" 
msgid "%s WPM"msgstr "%s WPM" 
msgid "Are you faster? Click here and try!"msgstr "Jesi li brži? Klikni ovdje i probaj!" 
msgid "Visit the [url=https://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/%s]Typing Test[/url] and try!"msgstr "Posjeti [url=https://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/%s]test tipkanja[/url] i probaj!" 
msgid "Visit the <a href=\"https://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/%s\">Typing Test</a> and try!"msgstr "Posjeti <a href=\"https://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/%s\">test tipkanja</a> i probaj!" 
msgid "I can type"msgstr "Ja mogu tipkati" 
msgid "(words per minute)"msgstr "(riječi u minuti)" 
msgid "Are you faster?"msgstr "Jesi li brži?" 
msgid "How fast can you type?"msgstr "Koliko brzo ti možeš tipkati?" 
#speedtest highscore Tabelle
msgid "Top Ranking"msgstr "Popis najboljih" 
msgid "Tests taken"msgstr "Odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Global Challenge"msgstr "Svjetski izazov" 
msgid "<strong>Top Rankings:</strong> last 24 hours (only for logged in users)"msgstr "<strong>Popis najboljih:</strong> zadnjih 24 sata (samo za prijavljene korisnike)" 
msgid "Top 50"msgstr "Najboljih 50" 
msgid "Username"msgstr "Korisničko ime" 
msgid "Keystrokes"msgstr "Znakova" 
#table header which shows the amount of time that has passed
msgid "ago"msgstr "prije" 
msgid "last 24h"msgstr "zadnjih 24 sata" 
msgid "all"msgstr "svi" 
msgid "<strong>Global Challenge:</strong> which language is the most active? Considers all tests from the last 24 hours.</p>"msgstr "<strong>Svjetski izazov:</strong> koji jezik je najaktivniji? U obzir su ueti svi testovi u zadnja 24 sata.</p>" 
msgid "Language"msgstr "Jezik" 
msgid "Email"msgstr "E-mail" 
#Page Title top 50 highscore page 
msgid "Typing Test: Top 50"msgstr "Test tipkanja: najboljih 50" 
msgid "<h2>Top 50 Rankings</h2> These are the Top 50 Typists of the last 24 hours"msgstr "<h2>Lista 50 najboljih</h2> Ovo je 50 najboljih u zadnjih 24 sata" 
msgid "Sorry, but Javascript is required. Please <a href=\"http://www.activatejavascript.org/\">activate Javascript</a>"msgstr "Žao nam je, ali potreban je Javascript. Molimo<a href=\"http://www.activatejavascript.org/\">aktivirajte Javascript</a>" 
msgid "Please activate Cookies. If you have Cookies activated, try to reload the page (CTRL+R)."msgstr "Molimo aktivirajte kolačiće. Ako ste aktivirali kolačiće, osvježite stranicu (CTRL+R)." 
msgid "Error or Bug? Try reloading the page by pressing \"CTRL+R\", this might fix it!"msgstr "Greška? Pokušajte osvježiti stranicu \"CTRL+R\", to bi moglo pomoći!" 
msgid "Press ENTER to confirm your input"msgstr "Pritisni ENTER za potvrdu unosa" 
msgid "Login"msgstr "Prijava" 
msgid "An error occurred. Your result is probably not saved, sorry for the inconvenience."msgstr "Došlo je do greške. Tvoj rezultat vjerojatno nije spremljen, ispričavamo se zbog neugodnosti." 
msgid "Please reload 10FastFingers by pressing Ctrl + R (Windows) or Cmd + R (Mac)."msgstr "Molimo osvježite 10FastFingers pritiskom na Ctrl + R (Windows) ili Cmd + R (Mac)." 
msgid "Please make sure that your internet connection is stable/active when the result is transmitted. If this error occurs more than once, try <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.updateyourbrowser.net/en/\">updating your browser</a> or <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]?subject=contact about result error\">contact me</a>"msgstr "Molimo, osigurajte se da imate stabilnu/aktivnu internet vezu kad se rezultat pojavljuje. Ako se ova greška pojavi više nego jednom, probajte <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.updateyourbrowser.net/en/\">ažurirati svoj preglednik</a> ili <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]?subject=contact about result error\">me kontaktirajte</a>" 
msgid "About the Typing Test"msgstr "O testu tipkanja" 
msgid "10FastFingers lets you test your typing speed. Just start typing and see how fast you can type. Practice daily and improve your typing speed. Are you faster than everybody else?"msgstr "10FastFingers ti omogućuje provjeru brzine tipkanja. Jednostavno kreni tipkati da vidiš koliko brzo tipkaš. Vježbaj svaki dan i poboljšaj svoju brzinu. Jesi li brži od svih ostalih?" 
msgid "Typing Competition"msgstr "Natjecanje u tipkanju" 
msgid "Are you faster than you friends?<br /> Start a <a href=\"/competitions\">Typing Competition</a> and find out!"msgstr "Jesi li brži od svojih prijatelja?<br /> Pokreni <a href=\"/competitions\">natjecanje u tipkanju</a> i saznaj!" 
msgid "New features & Updates"msgstr "Nove značajke & ažuriranja" 
msgid "Visit the <a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/10fastfingers\">10FastFingers Fanpage</a> on Facebook and be the first to know about a new feature."msgstr "Posjeti <a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/10fastfingers\">10FastFingers Fanpage</a> na Facebooku i budi prvi koji će saznati o novim značajkama." 
msgid "Switch Typing Test language"msgstr "Promijeni jezik testa tipkanja" 
msgid "Switch the language of the Typing Test"msgstr "Promijeni jezik testa tipkanja" 
msgid "Sorry, but you have to be logged in and taken at least 10 normal typing tests to access the <strong>Advanced Typing Test</strong>."msgstr "Žao nam je, ali moraš biti prijavljen i trebaš odraditi barem 10 normalnih testova tipkanja kako bi pristupio <strong>naprednom testu tipkanja</strong>." 
msgid "All time"msgstr "Cijelo vrijeme" 
msgid "<strong>Tests taken:</strong> the most active members of the last 24 hours"msgstr "<strong>Odrađenih testova:</strong> najaktivniji članovi u zadnja 24 sata" 
msgid "Typing Tests taken - All time Highscore"msgstr "Odrađenih testova tipkanja – najbolji rezultati svih vremena" 
msgid  "You need to take at least 50 typing tests to be featured on this list"msgstr "Moraš odraditi barem 50 testova tipkanja da bi se pojavio na ovom popisu" 
msgid "Place"msgstr "Mjesto" 
msgid "Date"msgstr "Datum" 
msgid "Total"msgstr "Ukupno" 
msgid "Screenshot"msgstr "Slika zaslona" 
msgid "Save your result"msgstr "Spremi svoj rezultat" 
msgid "Track your progress"msgstr "Prati svoj napredak" 
msgid "Please Login to save your score"msgstr "Molimo prijavite se za spremanje rezultata" 

File "achievement.po"

msgid "Achievements"msgstr "Postignuća" 
msgid "This is a list of all the achievements available, if you have any questions about them, please send me an email (in english or german): <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]?subject=10FastFingers Achievements\">[email protected]</a>"msgstr "Ovo je popis svih dostupnih postignuća. Ako imaš pitanja o njima, molim pošalji mi e-mail (na engleskom ili njemačkom): <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]?subject=10FastFingers Achievements\">[email protected]</a>" 
msgid "Typing Test"msgstr "Test tipkanja" 
msgid "10 Tests taken"msgstr "10 odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Finish 10 Typing Tests to earn this badge. You need to reach at least 20 WPM."msgstr "Završi 10 testova tipkanja kako bi dobio ovu značku. Trebaš postići minimalno 20 WPM." 
msgid "25 Tests taken"msgstr "25 odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Finish 25 Typing Tests to earn this badge. You need to reach at least 20 WPM."msgstr "Završi 25 testova tipkanja kako bi dobio ovu značku. Trebaš postići minimalno 20 WPM." 
msgid "50 Tests taken"msgstr "50 odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Finish 50 Typing Tests to earn this badge. You need to reach at least 20 WPM."msgstr "Završi 50 testova tipkanja kako bi dobio ovu značku. Trebaš postići minimalno 20 WPM." 
msgid "100 Tests taken"msgstr "100 odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Finish 100 Typing Tests to earn this badge. You need to reach at least 20 WPM."msgstr "Završi 100 testova tipkanja kako bi dobio ovu značku. Trebaš postići minimalno 20 WPM." 
msgid "250 Tests taken"msgstr "250 odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Finish 250 Typing Tests to earn this badge. You need to reach at least 20 WPM."msgstr "Završi 250 testova tipkanja kako bi dobio ovu značku. Trebaš postići minimalno 20 WPM." 
msgid "500 Tests taken"msgstr "500 odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Finish 500 Typing Tests to earn this badge. You need to reach at least 20 WPM."msgstr "Završi 500 testova tipkanja kako bi dobio ovu značku. Trebaš postići minimalno 20 WPM." 
msgid "750 Tests taken"msgstr "750 odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Finish 750 Typing Tests to earn this badge. You need to reach at least 20 WPM."msgstr "Završi 750 testova tipkanja kako bi dobio ovu značku. Trebaš postići minimalno 20 WPM." 
msgid "1000 Tests taken"msgstr "1000 odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Finish 1000 Typing Tests to earn this badge. You need to reach at least 20 WPM."msgstr "Završi 1000 testova tipkanja kako bi dobio ovu značku. Trebaš postići minimalno 20 WPM." 
msgid "2500 Tests taken"msgstr "2500 odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Finish 2500 Typing Tests to earn this badge. You need to reach at least 20 WPM."msgstr "Završi 2500 testova tipkanja kako bi dobio ovu značku. Trebaš postići minimalno 20 WPM." 
msgid "5000 Tests taken"msgstr "5000 odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Finish 5000 Typing Tests to earn this badge. You need to reach at least 20 WPM."msgstr "Završi 5000 testova tipkanja kako bi dobio ovu značku. Trebaš postići minimalno 20 WPM." 
msgid "7500 Tests taken"msgstr "7500 odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Finish 7500 Typing Tests to earn this badge. You need to reach at least 20 WPM."msgstr "Završi 100 testova tipkanja kako bi dobio ovu značku. Trebaš postići minimalno 20 WPM." 
msgid "10000 Tests taken"msgstr "10000 odrađenih testova" 
msgid "Finish 10000 Typing Tests to earn this badge. You need to reach at least 20 WPM."msgstr "Završi 10000 testova tipkanja kako bi dobio ovu značku. Trebaš postići minimalno 20 WPM." 
msgid "Flawless 3"msgstr "Savršenih 3" 
msgid "Finish 3 Typing Tests in a row, without making a mistake and with at least 70 WPM."msgstr "Završi 3 testova tipkanja za redom bez greške i s najmanje 70 WPM." 
msgid "Flawless 5"msgstr "Savršenih 5" 
msgid "Finish 5 Typing Tests in a row, without making a mistake and with at least 70 WPM."msgstr "Završi 5 testova tipkanja za redom bez greške i s najmanje 70 WPM." 
msgid "Flawless 10"msgstr "Savršenih 10" 
msgid "Finish 10 Typing Tests in a row, without making a mistake and with at least 70 WPM."msgstr "Završi 10 testova tipkanja za redom bez greške i s najmanje 70 WPM." 
msgid "50+ WPM"msgstr "50+ WPM" 
msgid "Score more than 50 WPM."msgstr "Postigni više od 50 WPM." 
msgid "60+ WPM"msgstr "60+ WPM" 
msgid "Score more than 60 WPM."msgstr "Postigni više od 60 WPM." 
msgid "70+ WPM"msgstr "70+ WPM" 
msgid "Score more than 70 WPM."msgstr "Postigni više od 70 WPM." 
msgid "80+ WPM"msgstr "80+ WPM" 
msgid "Score more than 80 WPM."msgstr "Postigni više od 80 WPM." 
msgid "90+ WPM"msgstr "90+ WPM" 
msgid "Score more than 90 WPM."msgstr "Postigni više od 90 WPM." 
msgid "100+ WPM"msgstr "100+ WPM" 
msgid "Score more than 100 WPM."msgstr "Postigni više od 100 WPM." 
msgid "10 Competitions taken"msgstr "10 odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Participate in 10 different Typing Competitions to earn this badge."msgstr "Sudjeluj u 10 različitih natjecanja u tipkanju kako bi dobio ovu značku." 
msgid "25 Competitions taken"msgstr "25 odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Participate in 25 different Typing Competitions to earn this badge."msgstr "Sudjeluj u 25 različitih natjecanja u tipkanju kako bi dobio ovu značku." 
msgid "50 Competitions taken"msgstr "50 odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Participate in 50 different Typing Competitions to earn this badge."msgstr "Sudjeluj u 50 različitih natjecanja u tipkanju kako bi dobio ovu značku." 
msgid "100 Competitions taken"msgstr "100 odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Participate in 100 different Typing Competitions to earn this badge."msgstr "Sudjeluj u 100 različitih natjecanja u tipkanju kako bi dobio ovu značku." 
msgid "250 Competitions taken"msgstr "250 odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Participate in 250 different Typing Competitions to earn this badge."msgstr "Sudjeluj u 250 različitih natjecanja u tipkanju kako bi dobio ovu značku." 
msgid "500 Competitions taken"msgstr "500 odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Participate in 500 different Typing Competitions to earn this badge."msgstr " Sudjeluj u 500 različitih natjecanja u tipkanju kako bi dobio ovu značku." 
msgid "1000 Competitions taken"msgstr "1000 odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Participate in 1000 different Typing Competitions to earn this badge."msgstr "Sudjeluj u 1000 različitih natjecanja u tipkanju kako bi dobio ovu značku." 
msgid "2500 Competitions taken"msgstr "2500 odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Participate in 2500 different Typing Competitions to earn this badge."msgstr "Sudjeluj u 2500 različitih natjecanja u tipkanju kako bi dobio ovu značku." 
msgid "5000 Competitions taken"msgstr "5000 odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Participate in 5000 different Typing Competitions to earn this badge."msgstr "Sudjeluj u 5000 različitih natjecanja u tipkanju kako bi dobio ovu značku." 
msgid "7500 Competitions taken"msgstr "7500 odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Participate in 7500 different Typing Competitions to earn this badge."msgstr "Sudjeluj u 7500 različitih natjecanja u tipkanju kako bi dobio ovu značku." 
msgid "10000 Competitions taken"msgstr "10000 odrađenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Participate in 10000 different Typing Competitions to earn this badge."msgstr "Sudjeluj u 10000 različitih natjecanja u tipkanju kako bi dobio ovu značku." 
msgid "1 Competition won"msgstr "1 osvojeno natjecanje" 
msgid "Be the fastest typist in 1 <strong>public</strong> competition with at least 5 participants (you included)."msgstr "Budi najbrži u 1 <strong>public</strong> natjecanju s najmanje 5 sudionika (uključujući tebe)." 
msgid "3 Competitions won"msgstr "3 osvojena natjecanja" 
msgid "Be the fastest typist in 3 <strong>public</strong> competitions with at least 5 participants (you included)."msgstr "Budi najbrži u 3 <strong>public</strong> natjecanja s najmanje 5 sudionika (uključujući tebe)." 
msgid "5 Competitions won"msgstr "5 osvojenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Be the fastest typist in 5 <strong>public</strong> competitions with at least 5 participants (you included)."msgstr "Budi najbrži u 5 <strong>public</strong> natjecanja s najmanje 5 sudionika (uključujući tebe)." 
msgid "10 Competitions won"msgstr "10 osvojenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Be the fastest typist in 10 <strong>public</strong> competitions with at least 5 participants (you included)."msgstr "Budi najbrži u 10 <strong>public</strong> natjecanja s najmanje 5 sudionika (uključujući tebe)." 
msgid "25 Competitions won"msgstr "25 osvojenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Be the fastest typist in 25 <strong>public</strong> competitions with at least 5 participants (you included)."msgstr "Budi najbrži u 25 <strong>public</strong> natjecanja s najmanje 5 sudionika (uključujući tebe)." 
msgid "50 Competitions won"msgstr "50 osvojenih natjecanja" 
msgid "Be the fastest typist in 50 <strong>public</strong> competitions with at least 5 participants (you included)."msgstr "Budi najbrži u 50 <strong>public</strong> natjecanja s najmanje 5 sudionika (uključujući tebe)." 
msgid "Friendly Fire 3"msgstr "Prijateljska vatra 3" 
msgid "Start a private typing competition and invite 3 of your friends."msgstr "Započni privatno natjecanje i pozovi 3 svoja prijatelja." 
msgid "Friendly Fire 5"msgstr "Prijateljska vatra 5" 
msgid "Start a private typing competition and invite 5 of your friends."msgstr "Započni privatno natjecanje i pozovi 5 svojih prijatelja." 
msgid "Friendly Fire 10"msgstr "Prijateljska vatra 10" 
msgid "Start a private typing competition and invite 10 of your friends."msgstr "Započni privatno natjecanje i pozovi 10 svojih prijatelja." 
msgid "Competition Grinder 3"msgstr "Ponavljač natjecanja 3" 
msgid "Participate 3 times in the same competition."msgstr "Sudjeluj 3 puta u istom natjecanju." 
msgid "Competition Grinder 5"msgstr "Ponavljač natjecanja 5" 
msgid "Participate 5 times in the same competition."msgstr "Sudjeluj 5 puta u istom natjecanju." 
msgid "Competition Grinder 10"msgstr "Ponavljač natjecanja 10" 
msgid "Participate 10 times in the same competition."msgstr "Sudjeluj 10 puta u istom natjecanju." 
msgid "Competition Grinder 25"msgstr "Ponavljač natjecanja 25" 
msgid "Participate 25 times in the same competition."msgstr "Sudjeluj 25 puta u istom natjecanju." 
msgid "Competition Grinder 50"msgstr "Ponavljač natjecanja 50" 
msgid "Participate 50 times in the same competition."msgstr "Sudjeluj 50 puta u istom natjecanju." 
msgid "Typing Competition"msgstr "Natjecanje u tipkanju" 
msgid "Translator"msgstr "Prevoditelj" 
msgid "Participate on 10FastFingers and translate a part of the site or improve an existing translation."msgstr "Sudjeluj na 10FastFingers i prevedi dio stranice ili poboljšaj postojeći prijevod." 
msgid "Achievements of Honor"msgstr "Postignuća časti" 
msgid "You have to be logged in to see your recently unlocked achievements."msgstr "Moraš biti prijavljen da bi vidio svoja nedavno ostvarena postignuća." 
msgid "Recently unlocked Achievements"msgstr "Nedavno ostvarena postignuća" 
msgid "This is a list of all the <a href="https://10fastfingers.com/achievements">Achievements</a> you have unlocked (ordered by the most recent you unlocked)."msgstr "Ovo je popis svih <a href="https://10fastfingers.com/achievements">postignuća</a> koje si ost 

File "email.po"

msgid "Would you like to be notified when new features and games go live?"msgstr "Želiš li da te obavijestimo kada se objave nove značajke i igre?" 
msgid "YES!"msgstr "DA!" 
msgid "no"msgstr "ne" 
msgid "Email settings"msgstr "Postavke e-maila" 
msgid "You have to confirm your email address before you can receive updates/notifications via email."msgstr "Trebaš potvrditi e-mail adresu kako bi dobio ažuriranja/obavijesti putem e-maila." 
msgid "Send Confirmation Email"msgstr "Pošalji e-mail potvrde" 
msgid "Newsletter <em>(updates about new features & games)</em>"msgstr "Novosti <em>(ažuriranja o novim značajkama i igrama)</em>" 
msgid "Notifications <em>(e.g. somebody beats your score in a typing competition)</em>"msgstr "Obavijesti <em>(npr. netko je nadmašio tvoj rezultat u natjecanju u tipkanju)</em>" 
msgid "Receive Emails"msgstr "Primaj e-mail" 
msgid "Update"msgstr "Ažuriraj" 
msgid "Email settings saved!"msgstr "Postavke e-maila spremljene!" 
msgid "We just sent you an email with a link in it, please confirm your email by clicking on the link."msgstr "Upravo smo ti poslali e-mail s poveznicom, molimo potvrdite e-mail pritiskom na poveznicu." 
msgid "Great! We can now send you <strong>Typing Tips</strong> to become faster and updates about <strong>new Features and Games</strong>!"msgstr "Odlično! Sada ti možemo slati <strong>savjete za tipkanje</strong> kako bi postao brži i ažuriranja o <strong>novim značajkama i igrama</strong>!" 
msgid "Sorry, this email is already being used by another account."msgstr "Žao nam je, ovaj e-mail se već koristi drugim računom." 
msgid "Please click the link in the email we just send you to confirm your new email address. After this, your email will be changed."msgstr "Molimo pritisni poveznicu u e-mailu kojeg smo ti upravo poslali kako bi potvrdio svoju novu e-mail adresu. Nakon toga će tvoj e-mail biti promijenjen." 
msgid "You didn\'t change your email address"msgstr "Nisi promijenio svoju e-mail adresu" 
msgid "You didn\'t provide a correct email address"msgstr "Nisi dao točnu e-mail adresu" 
msgid "Confirmation Link is invalid"msgstr "Poveznica s potvrdom nije važeća" 
msgid "Thank you for updating your email address!"msgstr "Hvala na ažuriranju svoje e-mail adrese!" 
msgid "This link is invalid"msgstr "Ova poveznica ne radi" 
msgid "You won't receive any emails from us. If you change your mind and want to get notified about new features and typing games, please take a look on your <a href=\"/settings\">settings</a> page."msgstr "Nećeš dobivati nikakve mailove od nas. Ako se predomisliš i želiš dobivati obavijesti o novim značajkama i igrama, molimo pogledaj svoju stranicu s <a href=\"/settings\">postavkama</a> ." 
msgid "Activate your account"msgstr "Aktiviraj svoj račun" 
msgid "Hello"msgstr "Pozdrav" 
msgid "Happy Typing!"msgstr "Sretno tipkanje!" 
msgid "Click this link to activate your account:"msgstr "Pritisni na ovu poveznicu kako bi aktivirao račun:" 
msgid "Confirm my account."msgstr "Potvrdi moj račun." 
msgid "After clicking this link, you will be logged in automatically."msgstr "Nakon pritiska na ovu poveznicu bit ćeš automatski prijavljen." 

File "anticheat.po"

msgid "Sorry, but you have to be logged in to access the Anti-Cheat overview."msgstr "Žao mi je, ali moraš se prijaviti za pristupanje pregledu protiv varanja." 
msgid "You unlocked %s of your results."msgstr "Otključao si %s svojih rezultata." 
msgid "To see if you have more <strong>locked</strong> results, <a href=\"/anticheat\">click here</a>"msgstr "Kako bi vidio imaš li više <strong>zaključanih</strong> rezultata, <a href=\"/anticheat\">pritisni ovdje</a>" 
msgid "What is 'Max unlocked WPM'-value?"msgstr "Što je 'Najviše otključan WPM'-vrijednost?" 
msgid "Until you surpass this value, you won't have to do another Anti-Cheat-Test in this language."msgstr "Nećeš više trebati raditi test protiv varanja na tom jeziku dok ne prijeđeš tu vrijednost." 
msgid "Start Test"msgstr "Kreni test" 
msgid "Anti-Cheat Test"msgstr "Test protiv varanja" 
msgid "This Anti-Cheat-test is to evaluate your typing result <em>(sorry about the inconvenience but this is the only way to prevent cheating on 10FastFingers)</em>."msgstr "Ovaj test protiv varanja je za procjenu tvog rezultata tipkanja <em>(oprosti zbog neugodnosti, ali ovo je jedini način za prevenciju varanja na 10FastFingers)</em>." 
msgid "This test only appears when you type faster than X WPM. Below you can see the last 5 results in each category that are currently not counted. By clicking on one of those results you will get to the Anti-Cheat-Test where you can unlock the results by typing fast enough (don't worry, you can try it as often as you like)."msgstr "Ovaj test se pojavljuje jedino ako pišeš brže od X WPM. Ispod možeš vidjeti zadnjih 5 rezultata u svakoj kategoriji koji se trenutno ne računaju. Pritiskom na neki od njih dobit ćeš test protiv varanja gdje možeš otključati rezultate ako ćeš tipkati dovoljno brzo (ne brini, možeš pokušati koliko god puta želiš)." 
msgid "Currently no unconfirmed results"msgstr "Trenutno nema nepotvrđenih rezultata" 
msgid "Anticheat Overview"msgstr "Pregled protiv varanja" 
msgid "Start"msgstr "Kreni" 
msgid "Press Start and type the words you see in this field"msgstr "Pritisni Kreni i piši riječi koje vidiš u ovom polju" 
msgid "Reload"msgstr "Ponovno učitaj" 
msgid "Submit"msgstr "Pošalji" 
msgid "press TAB + ENTER"msgstr "pritisni TAB + ENTER" 
msgid "Explanation"msgstr "Objašnjenje" 
msgid "This test only appears when you type faster than X WPM. After pressing \"Start\" (TAB + ENTER) you will see a picture with words in it. Type those words as fast as possible and after you have finished, click the submit button (\"TAB + ENTER\")."msgstr "Ovaj test se pojavljuje jedino kada pišeš brže od X WPM. Nakon pritiska na \"Kreni\" (TAB + ENTER) vidjet ćeš fotografiju s riječima. Prepiši te riječi što brže možeš i nakon što završiš pritisni gumb Pošalji (\"TAB + ENTER\")." 
msgid "Help"msgstr "Pomoć" 
msgid "<strong>Start:</strong> Press \"TAB+ENTER\" to start the test (instead of clicking on the \"Start\"-Button)"msgstr "<strong>Kreni:</strong> Pritisni \"TAB+ENTER\" kako bi počeo test (umjesto pritiska na gumb \"Kreni\")" 
msgid "<strong>Submit:</strong> If you are finished typing the words you can just press \"TAB + ENTER\" to submit the result to the server (this will save you some time, as you don't have to click the \"Submit\"-Button)"msgstr "<strong>Pošalji:</strong> Ako si završio s prepisivanjem riječi možeš pritisnuti \"TAB + ENTER\" kako bi poslao rezultat (ovime ćeš uštedjeti vrijeme jer ne trebaš pritisnuti na gumb \"Pošalji\"-Button)" 
msgid "If some of the characters/words are messed up, just skip these and submit the test, you don't have to type all words to complete the test"msgstr "Ako su neki znakovi/riječi pomiješane, preskoči ovaj tekst i pošalji test, ne trebaš pisati sve riječi kako bi završio test" 
msgid "Max unlocked WPM"msgstr "Najviše otključanih WPM" 
msgid "Correct Keystrokes"msgstr "Točni znakovi" 
msgid "Wrong Keystrokes"msgstr "Pogrešni znakovi" 
msgid "Time needed in ms"msgstr "Potrebno vrijeme u ms"