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A question for people who can type 100+ WPM

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:43 am
by syst_xm
How many fingers do you type with? Do you use all 10 fingers(standard) like some are taught in computer classes? I, personally, was never taught how to type, and over frequent computer use just developed a way to type that was comfortable subconsciously. I mainly use 2-3 fingers, being my left index, right index, and right middle finger. I use my right pinky for the right shift, and my right thumb for the space bar. The highest WPM I have ever achieved was a 98 on a different website, and 97 here, on a competition. So, how many fingers do you 100+ WPM typers use? If I were to learn 10 finger typing, would I actually improve at all in typing speed? It just seems like a major waste of time to re-teach myself how to type, when all of it just came naturally over-time.

Re: A question for people who can type 100+ WPM

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:24 am
by toddhicks209
If you're satisfied with your method and it works, stick with it. Personally, I would be uncomfortable with and maybe go crazy using just two or three fingers.

Re: A question for people who can type 100+ WPM

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:45 am
by siroco
I use all the ten fingers, but I can't write more than 69 WPM. Can you give me some piece of advice to get it?

Thanks in advance.

Re: A question for people who can type 100+ WPM

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 2:03 am
by Dvorak_Noob
Sometimes when you slip into bad habits or incorrect techniques the easiest thing to do is just completely start over fresh. If you go back and try learning QWERTY with the home-row method you at least have the advantage of knowing where all the keys are but subconsciously your apt to revert back to previous habits. I had the same problem and decided I wanted to learn how to actually touch type so I switched my keyboard completely and went with DVORAK. Since I was literally forced to re-learn everything I could focus on correct technique. This coupled with a blank keyboard forced me to actually learn and remember key placement and not rely on peeking every now and then. Took a few weeks to get comfortable with the layout and even longer to build up some speed but I can now usually average upper 120's, 40-50wpm faster than I was previously able to achieve. It's a personal choice you have to make but no matter what, practice, practice, practice is the ONLY way you will ever get better with any typing style.

Re: A question for people who can type 100+ WPM

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:45 am
by 2014
Alphabet: Right index, Left index, Right middle.
Space bar: Right thumb, Left thumb.
Shift: Left pinky.
Enter: Right pinky.
Total 7 fingers used.

Best score 166 wpm
This was back in 2014.

Take a look at my reply to another post

Re: A question for people who can type 100+ WPM

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:12 pm
by AlejandroEiro
Hello there! My record til now is about 111 ppp and I use 4 fingers from my left hand and 2 fingers of my right hand. It´s truth that usually people will learn to use 10 but I believe there´s no truth in the equation 10 fingers = fastest, better, etc.
I think it´s all about how you feel comfort. I can also use 10 fingers but as I can´t reach the same score using those. Weird lol.

Re: A question for people who can type 100+ WPM

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 4:12 am
by HansLowell
I use 8 fingers mostly
sometime I use 10 when there is some caps (only using pinkys for caps) I've been trying to use pinky for normal letters but its not confortable and I feel I'm blocking other fingers from moving correcly when I do it.

best score is 143 wpm

Re: A question for people who can type 100+ WPM

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:03 pm
by barbiegirl3482
To be honest, I didn't really think ever about how many fingers use, I just type.
Well, I'm pretty sure I'm using all my fingers, and I never look in keyboard.

If you wan't to type over 100wpm, first you have to stop looking at your keyboard. You need to develop sense so that every time you press a key on keyboard you know exactly which one you pressed, and once you can type more than 2 long sentences blindfolded at ok speed, you will progress to the point you will never need to look at your keyboard again when you are typing anything.

My personal is 132 wpm