Request for subtle improvement

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Request for subtle improvement

Post by Synapse » Fri Aug 30, 2024 10:23 pm

Currently there are 4 parameters measured at 10ff, and shown to the user that are:

-correct words
-wrong words

But the latter, correct me if I'm wrong, is not as accurate as it could be, as some typist like me, sometimes use either ctrl+a shortcut (in my language) to select all written characters and then proceed to delete them in a single backspace stroke, or simply the shift+ini shortcut, instead of pressing multiple times the backspace key, which I believe are the keys that are counted by this parameter.

Both Alice and Bob write the word "understand" misspelled as "undstardnd" and deciding that they will be faster start writing over again rather than correct the exact words they proceed like this:
Alice decides to press 10 times the backspace
Bob decides to press ctrl+a or shift+ini shortcuts followed by 1 backspace stroke

In this example I believe the system counts Alice has done 10 corrections. But in the other hand Bob has been recorded with 1 backstroke on its test, so we deduce he lost less time on her errors typing, while the reality is that they have deleted the same amount of characters.

So the suggestion would be to call the parameter "characters corrected", so it counts how many chars you've deleted, instead of counting how many times you've perssed backspace key. As we loss the information of how many characters they have wrote but they had to delete.
Just a subtle improvement, in case it works as I stated.

Kind regards,

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