
Text Practice Mode


created Mar 23rd, 05:47 by WASEEM81



273 words
0 completed
 People have heard about the survival of the fittest theory given by evolutionary theorists. Darwin who researched human nature did not necessarily perceive humans as being physically aggressive. Darwin claimed that we are a fundamentally collaborative and loving community. He asserted that affection and compassion for others is natural and reflexive. Kindness is not a core value to be embraced or shown in particular situations. Instead it should be absorbed as the fundamental behavioral element of living creatures. Compassion is not only a moral attribute. But in all aspects of existence it can be quite well adapted. Kindness could be something as tiny as being courteous and providing someone support and encouragement. It could be something as surprisingly small as passing a sing world to someone or giving a little bit of food to the stray dog who comes near your house. These gestures of kindness do not take a lot of time but they can create a change. Acts of kindness can help in creating a beautiful and sustainable world. Only small considerations and selfless acts of kindness can help to build up a successful company as has been said previously every human person knows the language of compassion. While important kindness is not a characteristic that is widely seen in people these days. In present times people have become incredibly self-absorbed. All they can talk about is themselves. Growing rivalry at various points in our lives is one reason why people turn out to be this way. Everyone around her is busy making themselves successful and showing the world how better their lives are compared to the lives of others

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