
Text Practice Mode


created May 23rd 2019, 10:08 by sahumonu



414 words
0 completed
Everyone mind wanders but Mindfulness is paying attention to what is happening in the present moment. So you are aware that your mind is wandering then you are halfway to a successful mindfulness practice. The other half of mindfulness is gently returning your attention back to the here and now But this does not mean you have to yank your misbehaving mind back to reality Instead think of it as a compassionate return to consciousness. Picture a feather on the ground is lifted up by a gust of wind and then floating back down to rest on the payment, Wandering, awareness and return requires practice a minute of mindfulness no matter where you are. The easiest tool for achieving that gentle return to the person moment is always available for you. Focus on one side physical sensation. It could be feeling your back against the chair, your hand holding the fork or your finger on the touch screen. The key is to aim all of all of your awareness directly at the one physical sensation of your choice. Pick one part of your body that is in contact with on object. Say it is your feet on the floor. Pour all of your awareness right down into the soul of your feet. Observe the sensation of your feet resting on the floor lightly. Now wiggle your toes a bit and notice how the sensation change if you are wearing socks then try to feel the fabric against your feet. This is about notice rather than making a relative comparison to anything that are you are not experiencing right now. All we are focusing on is the mind that complicates things when it takes us out of here and now. So making the choice to pay attention to how you are feeling in the moment is crucial step to actually being in the moment which will increase productivity and focus it will also make you happier. In a study published in the journal science by toward researchers found that people spend nearly half their working hours thinking about sometimes other than what they are doing at that are better communications. We are less reactive and more responsive to the people around us at home and at work. We are also more fully here for ourselves since we are in better touch with how we feel and what we need. We begin to feel more in control in a world where so much is out of our control.

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